Read onlyAmazon has lost a complete FBA shipment of ours and has now refused to help further as we cannot provide an invoice showing where I purchased the products.
I am however the sole manufacturer and sole owner of my business, products and brand.
I have explained repeatedly to seller support that I am the manufacturer, and we produce all our products ourselves from the design stage to full manufacture. We don't therefore have an invoice showing any purchase, as we manufacture the products!
The shipment was tracked and safely delivered to Amazon. I have also provided a packing list, numerous other documents and all my business details, etc. We have shipped hundreds of FBA shipments over 15 years.
But seller support has now simply completely refused to help and just states over and over that they won't help further or reimburse me for the missing shipment as I cannot provide the requested paperwork showing where I bought them.
Is it just me, or is selling on Amazon becoming ever more impossible/unviable? What has happened to common sense and logic? And why is Amazon no longer supporting and helping its business sellers?
Any help would be much appreciated. Jason
As daft as it might seem, but I believe it's worked in the past, is have your manufacturing department invoice your sales department.
I'm pretty sure I've seen threads where this ploy has been used.
Sorry if I sound ignorant but if you don't have any form of invoice, including the kind @Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh suggests, how do you submit documents to tax?
There are third parties that provide services that are very effective in this area for claiming for own branded shipments when missing in full or part at FBA. Google is your friend perhaps
We manufacture our own products and had something similar happen a few years ago. We issued an internal invoice from production to sales at our wholesale rates and used that.
This happened to me but 3 months later they found it and added it to my fba inventory.
We had this happen also, but had it resolved
We make a packing list for the pallet making sure to include all EANS/SKUS and dated and signed proof that the packing list / pallet was sent. Make sure you do this for every shipment going forward too.
Also make sure you have your BOL singed and sent over
Exactly the same thing happened to us. Shipment was delivered few boxes were missing and they close the shipment.
I have send them enquiry about the missing boxes they replied the same thing. I have explain them like you.
I am really surprised the way they replied to me that I need to prove the proof of ownership to them.
I have provided them Invoices and they rejected the invoices. They said that product has to be written in the same order as the listing so that Invoices and listings matches each other.
I would say the same thing. RIP to common sense & logic.
The final kick in the plums will be that your 'missing stock' appears on Amazon warehouse sales site before too long, the stock they deny exists!