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Yet another item removed from inventory for no valid reason

by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

About 6 months ago Amazon told me they intended to remove an item from inventory as it did not have a standard 3 pin UK plug.

So I sent them pictures showing the item, the plug, the box which stated 'Main Plug UK Included' - all to no avail with Support just asking me for more proof or with comments that made no sense such as the plug had to be physically and permanently connected. Well ok the item has a transformer. The plug is permanently connected to the transformer. The transformer then plugs into the item. But that is a very common system. There are many items with that kind of setup. For example anything with a rechargeable battery like mobile phones etc.

Anyway after a lot of back and forth I gave up. The item continued to be listed.

However, today I have had the exact same original email saying they will be removing the item as it does not have a UK plug. Im not going waste my time to start the process all over again to get nowhere.

Its absolutely barmy that for some reason Amazon believe the item does not have a UK plug yet refuse all documentation and evidence to the contrary. I mean where did they get the idea from that it did not have a UK plug? Im guessing a single customer has complained perhaps because their unit was delivered without the transformer (maybe a factory error in leaving it out) - even though I have had no complaints myself.

Anyway - I only have 1 unit left of the item. Its not worth my time or effort trying to get Amazon to change its mind. I shall withdraw yet another item from sale on Amazon because they just have no common sense at all.

Tags: Listing deactivated, Product removal
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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

Are you the only seller of that item?

If not perhaps a customer got delivered one without a UK plug from a different seller.

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In reply to: Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor’s post

Perfectly possible too as the item can be bought from supplier with a UK and an EU style plus but they have different EANs.

This listing I sell on the EAN is for the UK plug

But even if another seller is selling the EU style on wrong listing or sent the wrong item by mistake - it is a bit overkill by Amazon to now delete the listing altogether.

I have repeatedly sent pictures of the item showing the EAN, the UK plug, the fact the box says it has a UK plug etc and all I ever get back from Support is that its insufficient evidence with no details as to what it is they actually require or some nonsense that the plug has to be shown as being permanently connected. I dont know what else I can do but as I only have 1 unit left I am not going waste my time trying to get it sorted.

As far as Im concerned its another nail in the coffin as to whether I continue selling on Amazon or not

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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

Anything in the voice of the customer? I had an item deactivated because one customer wrote that she didn't like the scent hence maybe the product might be expired. Amazon flagged the product as expired. The product is fine.

It's also quite dangerous if they deactivate listings because of one customer's subjective comment. She wasn't certain that the product had expired, it was just speculation.

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In reply to: Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha’s post

Yes been there too.

Over 1000 hats sold. 1 single customer complains they expected a hat made of straw (listing clearly states it is not made from grass straw but simulated straw made from paper)

That 1 compliant threw me into weeks of being told that the listing would be deleted unless I could prove its authenticity!!

All sorted now but it took a lot of time and effort and all because that one customer did not read the item description - despite the 1000 customers who did not complain.

Its just getting to be impossible on Amazon with no common sense applied at Support level and Amazon taking complaints far too seriously from people with no authority and as you say subjective comments.

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In reply to: Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha’s post

Oh and no - nothing in voice of the customer for the item with UK plug

Customer may have bought from different seller and then complained of course - but that would not show up in my voice of the customer comments. But of course Amazon then go into over zealous mode and probably all sellers of the item have been asked to prove its got a UK plug.

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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

Just a thought but there is an option when edditing the listing for the plug to be added under product details (power plug).

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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

You are using the words "Amazon" and "common sense" in the same sentence. I'm afraid that's where you are going wrong. Good Luck :-)

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In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s post

They do seem to have some bizarre rules & their support is a waste of time - they just keep repeating the same thing over instead of engaging in a conversation. We sell books & they are forever de-listing our offers as they are supposedly too high in price even when they are the cheapest available.

We do not get too carried away as we list on alternative sites which allow our prices & indeed have sold many items at prices ruled out by Amazon.

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