We typically reserve your funds until a specific number of days after your shipments are delivered. This is recognized as payments based on delivery date.
Why are delivery date reserves applied to my account?
Delivery date reserves ensure you have enough funds to fulfil financial obligations, such as refunds, claims or chargebacks.
How long are funds reserved?
Funds are reserved until a shipment is delivered, plus a reserve period. The default standard setting reserve period is 7 days after delivery date (“DD+7” reserve policy). For example, if you sell something on January 1, and it is delivered on January 6, then under the DD+7 policy, your funds will become available for disbursement starting on January 14.
Please note: Your reserve period may be extended following an assessment of your overall risk and historical performance.
What share of funds are held back by delivery date reserves?
Delivery date reserves are calculated based on shipment delivery dates. This means that the reserve amount will increase or decrease over time, depending on your sales volume.
What happens when delivery date reserves are applied to my account?
If you have recently had a delivery date reserve policy applied to your account, or if you just started selling, it is normal to observe that all of your funds are held in reserve. This is because your reserve amount is based on the funds from shipments that were delivered within your reserve period (with the standard being 7 days, or “DD+7”). Funds will be released from reserve in accordance with the shipment’s delivery date, at which point funds will be available for transfer to your bank account.
How are shipment delivery dates determined?
When you use an integrated shipping provider, we will use the actual delivery date of the order. In the absence of valid tracking data, we will use the latest estimated delivery date (EDD).
What can I do to get paid faster?
- Dispatch your items as soon as possible, and confirm dispatch in Manage orders.
- Provide valid tracking numbers when confirming shipments. This gives buyers peace of mind, knowing that their parcel is on the way. Use an integrated carrier, as the actual delivery date is typically earlier than the latest estimated delivery date (EDD).
- Choose faster delivery.
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