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Reactivate my account

My account was deactivated back in 2017. I can't remember the issue.

I've managed to login.

  • When I click on Reactivate your account it takes me to a page that says I have to address all the issues listed. The only thing in the list is Zero policy violation warnings. At the top of the page it says Violations 0 and Target 0 issues. There is nowhere on the page to click or move forward. There is no View Appeal or anything else to click on.
  • When I go to Support Cases, there are none listed.
  • When I try to open a new Support Case, there are only two options,
  • Submit an appeal to reactivate you account. Clicking here jumps back to the Reactivate your account page which has nothing to click on.
  • Get help with an appeal from Account Health Support. This opens a new support case, which is automatically closed with an email saying this is not the correct channel to submit an appeal.

I really don't know how to contact Seller Support (as when you are deactivated there are no other options) or how to move forward.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Reactivate my account

My account was deactivated back in 2017. I can't remember the issue.

I've managed to login.

  • When I click on Reactivate your account it takes me to a page that says I have to address all the issues listed. The only thing in the list is Zero policy violation warnings. At the top of the page it says Violations 0 and Target 0 issues. There is nowhere on the page to click or move forward. There is no View Appeal or anything else to click on.
  • When I go to Support Cases, there are none listed.
  • When I try to open a new Support Case, there are only two options,
  • Submit an appeal to reactivate you account. Clicking here jumps back to the Reactivate your account page which has nothing to click on.
  • Get help with an appeal from Account Health Support. This opens a new support case, which is automatically closed with an email saying this is not the correct channel to submit an appeal.

I really don't know how to contact Seller Support (as when you are deactivated there are no other options) or how to move forward.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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check all your bank details - should have green ✅- I think you’ll find they need to be re-submitted and verified. There may be other issues but that’s a starting point especially if you’ve forgotten why you were deactivated.

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Reactivate my account

My account was deactivated back in 2017. I can't remember the issue.

I've managed to login.

  • When I click on Reactivate your account it takes me to a page that says I have to address all the issues listed. The only thing in the list is Zero policy violation warnings. At the top of the page it says Violations 0 and Target 0 issues. There is nowhere on the page to click or move forward. There is no View Appeal or anything else to click on.
  • When I go to Support Cases, there are none listed.
  • When I try to open a new Support Case, there are only two options,
  • Submit an appeal to reactivate you account. Clicking here jumps back to the Reactivate your account page which has nothing to click on.
  • Get help with an appeal from Account Health Support. This opens a new support case, which is automatically closed with an email saying this is not the correct channel to submit an appeal.

I really don't know how to contact Seller Support (as when you are deactivated there are no other options) or how to move forward.

Does anyone have any ideas?

1 reply
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Reactivate my account

My account was deactivated back in 2017. I can't remember the issue.

I've managed to login.

  • When I click on Reactivate your account it takes me to a page that says I have to address all the issues listed. The only thing in the list is Zero policy violation warnings. At the top of the page it says Violations 0 and Target 0 issues. There is nowhere on the page to click or move forward. There is no View Appeal or anything else to click on.
  • When I go to Support Cases, there are none listed.
  • When I try to open a new Support Case, there are only two options,
  • Submit an appeal to reactivate you account. Clicking here jumps back to the Reactivate your account page which has nothing to click on.
  • Get help with an appeal from Account Health Support. This opens a new support case, which is automatically closed with an email saying this is not the correct channel to submit an appeal.

I really don't know how to contact Seller Support (as when you are deactivated there are no other options) or how to move forward.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Reactivate my account

by Seller_PIHN5MimeOeiV

My account was deactivated back in 2017. I can't remember the issue.

I've managed to login.

  • When I click on Reactivate your account it takes me to a page that says I have to address all the issues listed. The only thing in the list is Zero policy violation warnings. At the top of the page it says Violations 0 and Target 0 issues. There is nowhere on the page to click or move forward. There is no View Appeal or anything else to click on.
  • When I go to Support Cases, there are none listed.
  • When I try to open a new Support Case, there are only two options,
  • Submit an appeal to reactivate you account. Clicking here jumps back to the Reactivate your account page which has nothing to click on.
  • Get help with an appeal from Account Health Support. This opens a new support case, which is automatically closed with an email saying this is not the correct channel to submit an appeal.

I really don't know how to contact Seller Support (as when you are deactivated there are no other options) or how to move forward.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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check all your bank details - should have green ✅- I think you’ll find they need to be re-submitted and verified. There may be other issues but that’s a starting point especially if you’ve forgotten why you were deactivated.

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check all your bank details - should have green ✅- I think you’ll find they need to be re-submitted and verified. There may be other issues but that’s a starting point especially if you’ve forgotten why you were deactivated.

user profile

check all your bank details - should have green ✅- I think you’ll find they need to be re-submitted and verified. There may be other issues but that’s a starting point especially if you’ve forgotten why you were deactivated.

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