Read onlyYesterday, I got a notice to fix stranded inventory for 2 lines. I have been selling them for some time, and we have approval for most brands in our category (music). The problem is that Deutsche Grammophon products are listed under Dolce & Gabbana brand or a nonexistent brand: $DOLCE & GABBANA. I know that I will not be able to get the application approved due to the brand on the ASIN being a brand that doesn't match the product. I and many other sellers have tried to list and failed before. The topic was discussed before because we couldn't list some products (please see the link below) and@Julia_Amzn had to remove brand approval manually. Now, I face the same problem, but now for existing listings...
All $DOLCE & GABBANA, Dolce and Gabbana, D&G, DG, etc. approval requirements should be lifted under the music category. They do not produce anything related to music! Hundreds of ASINS prevent sellers from listing and selling. @Julia_Amazon@Spencer_Amazon Could you please help? My ASINs: B08KHP42W8 , B08NMD8236 , B09SVZ3XP7 and B07ZWBD3WC
Hello @Seller_M0KDZMmrenoyq,
Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear that you're facing this issue again. I'll address your case with the partner team, who will work on it. I'll keep you informed about the outcome.
Hello @Seller_M0KDZMmrenoyq,
Hope you are doing great!
The brand for ASINs B08KHP42W8, B08NMD8236, B09SVZ3XP7, and B07ZWBD3WC has been updated. I await your confirmation.
Kind regards,