Read onlyBonjour, j'eesaye de mettre en vente en article et il ne veut pas s'enregistrer sans raison valable!!!!!! Y a t il un numero de telephone????
"Hello, I'm trying to put an item up for sale and it won't register for no good reason!!!!!! Is there a phone number????"
As this is the UK forum please post in English or try the Amazon France forum.
Try reading the Seller University on how to list products, or contact Seller Support using the Help link at the top
Hello @Seller_PXx18IkBwKa4h
Thank you for posting on Forums.
This is Sarah from Amazon.
You have created a post in the UK seller forums where the official language is English.
I encourage you to create the topic in the French Seller Forums and increase the visibility of the topic among French sellers.
Simply select France from the dropdown list at the top right corner of the Seller Forums in order to change the marketplace.