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How Can I Contact Seller Support For Help With My Account?

by Seller_s8z54gUK4gSuw

There is no call me link, when I go to the link I saved before it says not authorised to access.

If I use contact us and send an email it bounces back strait away to say "Can not contact us about account issues"

I can submit information to re-activate my account but every time I get a reply of "We do not have enough information"

Any ideas what I can do

====More information on my case====

I have not used my seller account in 10 years, When I logged in to my account it said it had been deactivated.

I clicked on "Contact Us" and the person I spoke to said they don't know why the account has been deactivated.

I was asked to supply ID which I did, I then was asked to attend an interview to show my id which I did and they said they will contact me in 2 days.

I waited 3 weeks. I used "Call me now" link to get an update and the person said they will chase for an update which I never got,

6 Weeks after attending the interview I submitted information to reactive my account, but it gets rejected with "We do not have enough information"

After submitting this information the "Call me now" link has disappeared for me and I have no way to contact support now. Any ideas what I can do?

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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In reply to: Seller_s8z54gUK4gSuw’s post

As you have not used it for 10 years, I assume it will have been made dormant. Can you access your Account Health page ? - there is a 'Call me now' button on that page.

A LOT has changed on Amazon in the last 10 years, and you may (WILL !) find you have a lot of new things to learn about and contend with !

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