Read onlyTo provide better customer support and stay insert compliant I would like to direct customers to the buyer-seller messaging platform to contact us for help.
Is there anyway that I can create a deep link URL that will do this?
Other than that I cant find a clear way to direct customers on how to locate the contact seller to reach us for help. Any better ideas?
The only way is to direct them to their account and click on Your Orders. Find the order and click "Problem with order". They then have to jump through hoops to get past the Help bot in order to actually contact the seller. Bonkers I know
Thanks for the post @Seller_hOZNPw7G8FIjl! Hope that helped @Seller_qunXp6BXZHMPn!
By the way, I never knew about collagen supplements for dogs were available, do they act like supplements or do you need to visit the vet to get a recommendation?