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Unfulfillable Inventory

by Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a

Hi Team,

I am posting this regarding an issue I’ve been facing now for more than a month and have got nowhere with Seller Support, apart from their generic emails or them saying things which isn’t a possibility, therefore reaching out to you guys to see if anybody could help.

So, I’ve sent in an ASIN and have labelled the goods with my FNSKU, Amazon have transferred the goods into Unfulfillable Inventory, marked it was defective.

The mistake from my end was, is that I did not cover the existing barcode on the product with my own FNKSU label but had placed it elsewhere on the item, and they have decided to check in all the units with the barcode which is on the product (the barcode is a deleted listing on Amazon)

Now the goods are a Hazmat product which I am fully aware of and SDS has been provided and accepted, however the ASIN that has been checked in, is a deleted ASIN by Amazon and I cannot look this ASIN up for me to add this into my inventory.

The ASIN/FNSKU I did send the goods in for is an active listing on Amazon, however they would not transfer my inventory over to it.

I am trying to recall the goods back over to myself however they are in the unfulfillable category and greyed out, the only option Amazon is giving me is to dispose them. I have also created a removal order with a template file without any errors, but then when I go to the removal order details it shows as cancelled with no explanation.

A total of 4500 units are stuck somewhere in the air worth thousands.

Please help on what I could possibly do or reach out to.

Tags: ASIN, Listings, Product removal, SKU
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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post

First mistake, whether you put an FNSKU label on a product or not, the EAN should match the product that your listing against.
You can’t just relabel them as you have found out.

I would imagine, that as the product is Hazmat, the details you have provided will only apply to the product that you listed against and not the actual product you sent.
Which is probably why they won’t return the goods.

I can only suggest that you contact the MD’s office and ask them to investigate.
At the very least, make them aware that you do not want the products destroyed.

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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post

So I have done everything as mentioned, by using the EAN which then automatically has linked to the ASIN, however if you look at the attached it says Fix Issue on the right, but when I click on that it would take me to Product Policy Compliance page, and this listing isn’t available there for any issues or errors that I need to resolve.

On the left side it says Detail Page Removed, and also hasn’t got a name on the listing. Now I clicked on the SKU and then went into Edit Listing, but there I cannot see anything for this to get back to live.

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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post
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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post

Big question here then is; how do i get the inventory returned back to myself?

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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post

Anyone here with an email ID of someone high up who could look into this issue and actually have this resolved?

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In reply to: Seller_QNkJ8EcM0rA2a’s post

Also I created a new case yesterday and got an response this morning - I will post a little bit of what’s written, is this allowed?

I realise that you’re trying to remove inventory. The reason that you can’t is that several of our fulfilment centres are storing returns and unsellable units in temporary locations.

We’re doing so because of higher-than-expected volumes of returns and unsellable units. The inventory will be stored in these locations until the fulfilment centres have enough capacity in their main buildings.

While your inventory is stored in a temporary location:

  • Your items will not be disposed of (until they are moved into the main fulfilment centre).

  • You won’t be able to remove items through Seller Central.

  • You might receive emails instructing you to remove unsellable units before they are disposed of.

You can check the status after 14 business days to see when your items are available for removal.

If you have automated removal settings enabled and configured, the removal begin processing as soon as these units are moved to the main building.

Regarding your Inventory being classified as Hazardous Material (Hazmat), kindly note that you cannot select this ASIN to be returned to your address as this has been classified as Hazardous Material.

  • SS have attached screenshots of what I sent them regarding only option I am getting is to dispose them, and the advisor is telling me to dispose them as Return to Address is greyed out - they are not serious are they?
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