I'm sorry for the trouble, I am a Chinese seller. There may be many misexpressions when translated into German, now I will express my question in English. Can you give me some good advice on my question? I look forward to your reply.
Translation text:
I am both a seller and a manufacturer. I insist that my products do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. My products have their own patent numbers. Additionally, I have also sought advice from a professional German patent lawyer, who has provided a letter stating that my products do not infringe on any rights. I have also actively contacted the complainant, but I have not been able to get their reply. So, it is impossible for them to withdraw the complaint.
The Amazon Account Health Support Team and the Review team have not provided us with more help or advice. Regardless of any new envidence I submit for appeal, I always receive the same response:
"We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your listing at this time. To reactivate your listing, please provide any one of the below documents for proving authenticity of your listings:
-- A letter of authorization (LOA) or licensing agreement (LA) directly from the rights owner indicating that you are authorized to use their intellectual property. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.
-- An invoice directly from rights owner to indicate that your products are original and are purchased from the rights owner directly. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.
-- A retraction from the rights owner to be sent to Amazon directly. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.
-- Proof of design registration for the listed product."
It has been almost 180 days since I received the complaint performance notification, but there has been no progress in resolving this infringement issue. My account health rating is 192, indicating at risk. What should I do next to successfully reactivate my listings? How can I restore my account health rating to normal?
Can any experienced sellers help me? Thank you very much!