Read onlyHello Sellers,
I hope you've had a good start to 2025.
I would like to continue the discussion on Branded product listed as generic started by @MoyaRecord. Please share your feedback, experience and related ASINs/case IDs regarding this.
I´m posting Amazon policies on this topic for our reference:
I would appreciate your engagement in this topic.
Thank you!
Hello @Julia_Amzn Thanks for creating this discussion. I've tried everything to list a branded product. I provided pictures of the item showing the brand, the requested screenshot, and all other details. Even though it is clearly branded (a vinyl record from a famous band; the label is also well-known), I had to open a case, contact live support, create a topic here, and report this violation 3 times... And nothing has worked; no one has acted to correct this violation... It shouldn't be that hard to list our products. If someone lists a branded product as generic, preventing others from listing it, there is no way to correct it.
Because my issue is not solved, I'm sharing my case again: 10677838372
Below are some clear examples of branded products listed as generic.
Did it take hundreds of well trained staff to find them? Perhaps I have access to billion dollar AI tools that took a supercomputer to process trillions of datapoints and find these bad eggs?
Nope. I just typed Generic Bundle into Amazon and these were towards the top of the first page.
You should expand this to include clearly branded products stolen and listed under someone elses dodgy brand they made up.
Hello Julia,
I have an account suspended where the brand listed is Generic but it is a replacement part for "vehicle brand". The error is a compatibility term and my account has been nearly suspended for 4 years despite no actual copyright or trademark issues.
Interesting discussion, there are many products that I could sell but they are either listed as some other brand or as generic but they use somehow the correct EAN. This is so frustrating as Seller Support is totally unhelpful even with all the documentation to prove that the product is listed under the wrong brand or as generic. The EAN itself should be enough evidence.
Having said that, I try to follow the rules and always ask authorisation for the brands I sell. Recently though, I listed a product with lots of variations and at the end the system told me that I wasn't authorised to list products of that brand, although I had been doing it for two years. Now I can't ask for authorisation with that particular product as it doesn't have packaging, or the brand name anywhere and not even a barcode! Therefore I am waiting to receive another product that should have a label. I have literally dozens of invoices from that brand, written authorisation and so on but I can't prove anything until I send a photo with brand and barcode.
You have two issues with this on Amazon, and I have to say most of them are created by Amazon.
1 People can not list the item under the normal brand so they declare it generic then when you try to list using the correct brand you get xyz is allready listed you cannot list this. You go through all the hoops to try to get it changed and 9/10 you will fail. Thus wasting your time which could be used better elsewhere. Realistic solution sell it elsewhere at the first block from amazon unless your hopeing its gonna be a multi 1000 seller for yourself
2 People get branded items add their own brand name and use the actual ean/upc. You follow the rules look it up through the upc/ean listing method and add your product. initial lister then claims your selling counterfeit and you get a mark against you as you can only provide a receipt for the actual brand name. Once again you could try to rectify this thus going through all the correct channels only to be refused. Solution yep you guessed it sell it elsewhere or do the same thing get your own brand and ean/upc and list it that way. Thus clogging the system and messing up the search algorythm's (which are allready in a bad state)
So there is nothing a seller can do to rectify the problem but is there something amazon could do? Of course there is but that would require them to employ some people say a group of 10 to sttart with and train them to identify the issue when presented to them and actually act on it as opposed to an AI bot saying "sorry there is no violation please dont bother contacting us again" If it looked as if something ws being done about the issue then people would be prepared to use the correct channel to complain. Something like this should be easy to look at the item is branded as xyz anything other than xyz in the brand lable on Amazon is wrong and should be adjusted. It should not require your customers ie us to be filling out a 20 item form and collecting all the relevant data. You couold of course subcontract this out and pay the sellers to report the issues we should not be doing Amazons job for them.
Hi @Julia_Amzn
Thanks for starting this important discussion, recently we have noticed a surge in generic listings. While considering Generic listings, it is important to consider all restrictive listing practices which include Amazon Custom listings of branded goods, Amazon Transparency & Amazon's listing restrictions on branded goods by third party sellers.
Please find some examples of generic listings:
B0D17Y7TQD (and all variations of this ASIN)
Amazon Custom listings:
Hi Julia
I have seen an influx of generic listings recently compared to when I started selling two years ago.
I hope Amazon gets to the bottom of this as I have been kicked of a couple listings for violation. I provided proof of receipts but as usual Amazon rejected them.
It is very frustrating for sellers as we are trying to earn an honest living. The time and money that goes into building the business to then have all that effort wasted due to a violation which could have been avoided if Amazon did not allow it in the first place.
Like many other sellers I am also beginning to feel Amazon is not for me. I am paying Amazon £££s in fees only for Amazon to hit me with a violation, removing the listing and removing the buybox due to the competitive offer.
I hope the above issues are fixed as Amazon is becoming an extremely difficult platform to sell on.
If it says Nike on the box or Sony on the box or whatever brand is on the box no person should be able to should to just say it's generic. Generic is items sold with no name on the product and usually the packaging would also be blank or may just have a photo of the item.
The main issue to address though is the ones who rename a brand to their own name......... that should be an absolute no no
And yet it's so common...for incense it's a joke as they are mostly imported from India and not really monitored and there are so many sellers sending Satya incense to FBA under their own brand.