Read onlyCan someone please advise me what to do here. I had found a brand that required invoices to sell. I submitted the invoice and was approved, then I tried to create a shipment for the products of this brand and am met with "you require approval for this brand":
Other Beauty category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)
Other product(s)"
The products are all in new condition and I really don't understand what has actually happened. I can't even submit a new selling application because I am already approved. Does anybody know the fix to this please?
Hello @Seller_Xv87jiKCUya08,
I am going to share this article with you: Selling Applications FAQ.
There is a lot of interesting information there, especially this part applies to you.
I tried to apply but received the message “Your account does not qualify.” What does that mean?
We have determined you are not eligible to sell this product at this time. Selling Partner Support is unable to provide additional information regarding these decisions.
I was already selling this product, but now I can’t. Why?
As our catalogue grows, we continuously make new determinations for which products should be restricted based on a number of factors. Even if you were selling your product before, you may be subject to new restrictions for the following reasons:
We have placed new restrictions on existing products that either require you to qualify or that we’re not accepting the applications currently.
I hope this helps.
Regards, Spencer