Read onlyJust lately I have had to do a verification code every single time I tried to log in. It used to be that you did it once and you would not need to do it again for a few months. Has gone now or is there anyway I can bypass keep putting the code in?
This changed a long while back - you need a code every time, no way of bypassing it
It might be browser dependant.
In Chrome, assuming updated to the latest version I see a checkbox marked 'trust this device' or 'keep me logged in' you need to check the box before entering the code and that keeps you logged for about a week before another code is required.
I have to enter code multiple times daily
Happened to me (and was a right old pain), and then randomly I got the one where you could tick the box to "not require" the verification code each time. Think mine had happened because I'd been switching between computers and/or my phone. Has been fine since, but not sure how I got the option that one time.
Same here but it has reduced from every 2 hours LOL
I would highly recommend you keep it so you've got two factor authentication, all it takes is for your password to be leaked in a data breach and then somebody has access to your whole store.
Buddy just be happy it's there. You think you're safe but if somebody gets access to your account let me tell you the slight inconvenience of having to use a code to login will pale in insignificance
Next time tick the box saying keep me logged in and you won’t need to keep getting codes. It happened to me as well and is extremely annoying when it logs you out every 15 minutes.