There was a large discepency with my inbound shipment, with many missing units. I am certain we sent them. Our inventory records show they were sent. The shipping weight of the boxes is corresponds to what we sent. Everything was declared on the commercial invoice for Fedex.
Amazon supposedly completed an 'investigation' and thus offers no help. i need to file a reimbursement claim.
The case ID is 10430597942
@Angie_AmazonI'd greatly appreciate if you could look into this.
Hello! @Seller_fAz12TH9ngePO
This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, I see that the case ID and the shipment related to this issue belong to the Spain marketplace.
Please create a thread in the Spain forums. One of our Community Managers will follow up on your thread and determine next steps.
Thank you for your understanding,
There was a large discepency with my inbound shipment, with many missing units. I am certain we sent them. Our inventory records show they were sent. The shipping weight of the boxes is corresponds to what we sent. Everything was declared on the commercial invoice for Fedex.
Amazon supposedly completed an 'investigation' and thus offers no help. i need to file a reimbursement claim.
The case ID is 10430597942
There was a large discepency with my inbound shipment, with many missing units. I am certain we sent them. Our inventory records show they were sent. The shipping weight of the boxes is corresponds to what we sent. Everything was declared on the commercial invoice for Fedex.
Amazon supposedly completed an 'investigation' and thus offers no help. i need to file a reimbursement claim.
The case ID is 10430597942
@Angie_AmazonI'd greatly appreciate if you could look into this.
Hello! @Seller_fAz12TH9ngePO
This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, I see that the case ID and the shipment related to this issue belong to the Spain marketplace.
Please create a thread in the Spain forums. One of our Community Managers will follow up on your thread and determine next steps.
Thank you for your understanding,
@Angie_AmazonI'd greatly appreciate if you could look into this.
@Angie_AmazonI'd greatly appreciate if you could look into this.
Hello! @Seller_fAz12TH9ngePO
This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, I see that the case ID and the shipment related to this issue belong to the Spain marketplace.
Please create a thread in the Spain forums. One of our Community Managers will follow up on your thread and determine next steps.
Thank you for your understanding,
Hello! @Seller_fAz12TH9ngePO
This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, I see that the case ID and the shipment related to this issue belong to the Spain marketplace.
Please create a thread in the Spain forums. One of our Community Managers will follow up on your thread and determine next steps.
Thank you for your understanding,