Read onlyI would like to sell just to UK customers. How do I go about setting this up. I thought I had done it correctly only to still get orders from abroad. Too many parcels get sent back from customs. Germany and Belgium particularly bad.
Hi Cynthia_s_Revels,
Assuming you're .UK only:
Seller Central / Cog Wheel / Account Overview / Store Status Holiday Settings / Edit
Check Active Countries to change to On Holiday and Save
All Best
Hello Cynthia_s_Revels,
I assume you were the person who gave me a 'thumbs down' but I don't know why... you asked the same question 2 months ago and were told then to put the other countries on holiday
I told you how to do this - but if you don't understand I can try to explain in more detail - or perhaps you can explain your problem in more detail and we'll try to help
As well as what @Seller_19xPhE8YgkmxWstated (and this might explain the thumbs down), you need to ensure that your shipping templates have no international settings. Putting other marketplaces is a must but this won't stop international buyers buying from the site.
If you do have any international destinations in your shipping settings, delete them.
From what you said, I am assuming you don't do FBA.
As other replies you need to ensure that every country you do not want to sell to is placed on holiday settings (inactive) and make sure that on your shipping settings you do not have international ticked,
Hello @Seller_SUcYiuJrmTpHm!
As peer seller mentioned, you can place on holiday in the countries you don't want to cover.
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.