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[NOW LIVE] Get answers about Veeqo with CEO Matt Warren at an Ask Amazon live Q&A on October 29!


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A focusing on your questions about Veeqo! Veeqo CEO, Matt Warren and the Veeqo team will be available today, October 29th, from 8 am to 5 pm GMT to answer your questions.

Not yet familiar with Veeqo, Amazon's free multichannel shipping solution? Veeqo allows you to integrate all your stores and sales channels into one centralized location, automating inventory management to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Veeqo’s user-friendly interface helps manage your multichannel orders with ease, allowing you to focus on your business growth without hidden fees or monthly cost.

During Accelerate, Matt Warren announced the launch of Veeqo Profit Analyzer. With Veeqo Profit Analyzer, you'll have access to all the profit data needed, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your business to new heights.

For more information, you can check out Veeqo here.

Please include any questions you have regarding Veeqo in this Ask Amazon event thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon event!

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

43 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon, Engage with Amazon, Events, Partner network
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[NOW LIVE] Get answers about Veeqo with CEO Matt Warren at an Ask Amazon live Q&A on October 29!


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A focusing on your questions about Veeqo! Veeqo CEO, Matt Warren and the Veeqo team will be available today, October 29th, from 8 am to 5 pm GMT to answer your questions.

Not yet familiar with Veeqo, Amazon's free multichannel shipping solution? Veeqo allows you to integrate all your stores and sales channels into one centralized location, automating inventory management to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Veeqo’s user-friendly interface helps manage your multichannel orders with ease, allowing you to focus on your business growth without hidden fees or monthly cost.

During Accelerate, Matt Warren announced the launch of Veeqo Profit Analyzer. With Veeqo Profit Analyzer, you'll have access to all the profit data needed, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your business to new heights.

For more information, you can check out Veeqo here.

Please include any questions you have regarding Veeqo in this Ask Amazon event thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon event!

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon, Engage with Amazon, Events, Partner network
43 replies
43 replies
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Hey everyone!

My name is Matt Warren and I am the Founder and CEO of Veeqo and excited to be here today to (try) and answer any questions you have on Veeqo!

Keen to hear feedback (good and bad) so we can keep improving Veeqo



user profile

Hi Matt,

I'm keen on the new Profit Analyser tool as a way to track performance on a SKU level, however it is of limited use to me as advertising fees from eBay aren't provided as a separate line in the way Amazon advertising fees are, they are just lumped into "Marketplace Fees".

The profit analyser tool I use currently (Sellerboard) does have this functionality and whilst it is not free, the data it provides is better for those who don't entirely focus on Amazon as a their sole sales channel.

Is the inclusion of eBay Ad fees into the tool something to be expected in the future? It'll likely win me over if it can rival Sellerboard in this regard.

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So our invoices do show VAT as a separate line item for the invoice, but I think you want to shown per product line item, is that correct?
View post

Not exactly.

Ideally, I would like the invoices to match the Amazon packing slip format which shows each item's vat inclusive price followed by the vat amount. Not necessarily showing the VAT per item, ideally just the total VAT but even if per item, it's better than what you have now.

B2C customers don't like to see vat-exclusive prices. They scream and shout saying "I am not a business, I don't pay VAT". Obviously they don't understand but it invites complaints.

user profile

Hi Matt,

1 of our items we sell can be customised to what they want to put in it, however on the Veeqo packing slip it just shows the main item not how they customised it so in order to do this I have to go onto that order via Amazon and see the options they chose there, is there anyway to change this so that I can just print the packing slips all in 1 go from Veeqo?

user profile


Can you please add SKUs to labels so you don't need to print any packing slips / packing labels?

It's the reason we haven't left Click & Drop

user profile

We want to add a new store to Veeqo which is Woo Commerce but It says we need to contact you to get on the list?

Is this possible and also can you confirm Veeqo can send the tracking numbers to Woo Commerce? We only use FBA

user profile

You are correct but many, probably most consumers don't realise this.

user profile
I thought everyone pays VAT unless those goods are exempt?
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Hi Matt,

I have a question: Is it possible to manage all product listings, including images and descriptions, within Veeqo and then integrate and share those listings across marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and WooCommerce? I’d like to understand how product listing management works with Veeqo.


Archer eCom

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Inventory Bin Labels printing!!

Once things are set up regards location/barcode etc is it possible to print off a shelf label so we can easily scan the location when picking??


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Any good person who can sell amazon pls contact me

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[NOW LIVE] Get answers about Veeqo with CEO Matt Warren at an Ask Amazon live Q&A on October 29!


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A focusing on your questions about Veeqo! Veeqo CEO, Matt Warren and the Veeqo team will be available today, October 29th, from 8 am to 5 pm GMT to answer your questions.

Not yet familiar with Veeqo, Amazon's free multichannel shipping solution? Veeqo allows you to integrate all your stores and sales channels into one centralized location, automating inventory management to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Veeqo’s user-friendly interface helps manage your multichannel orders with ease, allowing you to focus on your business growth without hidden fees or monthly cost.

During Accelerate, Matt Warren announced the launch of Veeqo Profit Analyzer. With Veeqo Profit Analyzer, you'll have access to all the profit data needed, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your business to new heights.

For more information, you can check out Veeqo here.

Please include any questions you have regarding Veeqo in this Ask Amazon event thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon event!

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

43 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon, Engage with Amazon, Events, Partner network
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[NOW LIVE] Get answers about Veeqo with CEO Matt Warren at an Ask Amazon live Q&A on October 29!


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A focusing on your questions about Veeqo! Veeqo CEO, Matt Warren and the Veeqo team will be available today, October 29th, from 8 am to 5 pm GMT to answer your questions.

Not yet familiar with Veeqo, Amazon's free multichannel shipping solution? Veeqo allows you to integrate all your stores and sales channels into one centralized location, automating inventory management to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Veeqo’s user-friendly interface helps manage your multichannel orders with ease, allowing you to focus on your business growth without hidden fees or monthly cost.

During Accelerate, Matt Warren announced the launch of Veeqo Profit Analyzer. With Veeqo Profit Analyzer, you'll have access to all the profit data needed, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your business to new heights.

For more information, you can check out Veeqo here.

Please include any questions you have regarding Veeqo in this Ask Amazon event thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon event!

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon, Engage with Amazon, Events, Partner network
43 replies
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[NOW LIVE] Get answers about Veeqo with CEO Matt Warren at an Ask Amazon live Q&A on October 29!

by Spencer_Amazon


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A focusing on your questions about Veeqo! Veeqo CEO, Matt Warren and the Veeqo team will be available today, October 29th, from 8 am to 5 pm GMT to answer your questions.

Not yet familiar with Veeqo, Amazon's free multichannel shipping solution? Veeqo allows you to integrate all your stores and sales channels into one centralized location, automating inventory management to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Veeqo’s user-friendly interface helps manage your multichannel orders with ease, allowing you to focus on your business growth without hidden fees or monthly cost.

During Accelerate, Matt Warren announced the launch of Veeqo Profit Analyzer. With Veeqo Profit Analyzer, you'll have access to all the profit data needed, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your business to new heights.

For more information, you can check out Veeqo here.

Please include any questions you have regarding Veeqo in this Ask Amazon event thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon event!

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon, Engage with Amazon, Events, Partner network
43 replies
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Hey everyone!

My name is Matt Warren and I am the Founder and CEO of Veeqo and excited to be here today to (try) and answer any questions you have on Veeqo!

Keen to hear feedback (good and bad) so we can keep improving Veeqo



user profile

Hi Matt,

I'm keen on the new Profit Analyser tool as a way to track performance on a SKU level, however it is of limited use to me as advertising fees from eBay aren't provided as a separate line in the way Amazon advertising fees are, they are just lumped into "Marketplace Fees".

The profit analyser tool I use currently (Sellerboard) does have this functionality and whilst it is not free, the data it provides is better for those who don't entirely focus on Amazon as a their sole sales channel.

Is the inclusion of eBay Ad fees into the tool something to be expected in the future? It'll likely win me over if it can rival Sellerboard in this regard.

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So our invoices do show VAT as a separate line item for the invoice, but I think you want to shown per product line item, is that correct?
View post

Not exactly.

Ideally, I would like the invoices to match the Amazon packing slip format which shows each item's vat inclusive price followed by the vat amount. Not necessarily showing the VAT per item, ideally just the total VAT but even if per item, it's better than what you have now.

B2C customers don't like to see vat-exclusive prices. They scream and shout saying "I am not a business, I don't pay VAT". Obviously they don't understand but it invites complaints.

user profile

Hi Matt,

1 of our items we sell can be customised to what they want to put in it, however on the Veeqo packing slip it just shows the main item not how they customised it so in order to do this I have to go onto that order via Amazon and see the options they chose there, is there anyway to change this so that I can just print the packing slips all in 1 go from Veeqo?

user profile


Can you please add SKUs to labels so you don't need to print any packing slips / packing labels?

It's the reason we haven't left Click & Drop

user profile

We want to add a new store to Veeqo which is Woo Commerce but It says we need to contact you to get on the list?

Is this possible and also can you confirm Veeqo can send the tracking numbers to Woo Commerce? We only use FBA

user profile

You are correct but many, probably most consumers don't realise this.

user profile
I thought everyone pays VAT unless those goods are exempt?
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Hi Matt,

I have a question: Is it possible to manage all product listings, including images and descriptions, within Veeqo and then integrate and share those listings across marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and WooCommerce? I’d like to understand how product listing management works with Veeqo.


Archer eCom

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Inventory Bin Labels printing!!

Once things are set up regards location/barcode etc is it possible to print off a shelf label so we can easily scan the location when picking??


user profile

Any good person who can sell amazon pls contact me

user profile

Hey everyone!

My name is Matt Warren and I am the Founder and CEO of Veeqo and excited to be here today to (try) and answer any questions you have on Veeqo!

Keen to hear feedback (good and bad) so we can keep improving Veeqo



user profile

Hey everyone!

My name is Matt Warren and I am the Founder and CEO of Veeqo and excited to be here today to (try) and answer any questions you have on Veeqo!

Keen to hear feedback (good and bad) so we can keep improving Veeqo



user profile

Hi Matt,

I'm keen on the new Profit Analyser tool as a way to track performance on a SKU level, however it is of limited use to me as advertising fees from eBay aren't provided as a separate line in the way Amazon advertising fees are, they are just lumped into "Marketplace Fees".

The profit analyser tool I use currently (Sellerboard) does have this functionality and whilst it is not free, the data it provides is better for those who don't entirely focus on Amazon as a their sole sales channel.

Is the inclusion of eBay Ad fees into the tool something to be expected in the future? It'll likely win me over if it can rival Sellerboard in this regard.

user profile

Hi Matt,

I'm keen on the new Profit Analyser tool as a way to track performance on a SKU level, however it is of limited use to me as advertising fees from eBay aren't provided as a separate line in the way Amazon advertising fees are, they are just lumped into "Marketplace Fees".

The profit analyser tool I use currently (Sellerboard) does have this functionality and whilst it is not free, the data it provides is better for those who don't entirely focus on Amazon as a their sole sales channel.

Is the inclusion of eBay Ad fees into the tool something to be expected in the future? It'll likely win me over if it can rival Sellerboard in this regard.

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user profile
So our invoices do show VAT as a separate line item for the invoice, but I think you want to shown per product line item, is that correct?
View post

Not exactly.

Ideally, I would like the invoices to match the Amazon packing slip format which shows each item's vat inclusive price followed by the vat amount. Not necessarily showing the VAT per item, ideally just the total VAT but even if per item, it's better than what you have now.

B2C customers don't like to see vat-exclusive prices. They scream and shout saying "I am not a business, I don't pay VAT". Obviously they don't understand but it invites complaints.

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user profile
So our invoices do show VAT as a separate line item for the invoice, but I think you want to shown per product line item, is that correct?
View post

Not exactly.

Ideally, I would like the invoices to match the Amazon packing slip format which shows each item's vat inclusive price followed by the vat amount. Not necessarily showing the VAT per item, ideally just the total VAT but even if per item, it's better than what you have now.

B2C customers don't like to see vat-exclusive prices. They scream and shout saying "I am not a business, I don't pay VAT". Obviously they don't understand but it invites complaints.

user profile

Hi Matt,

1 of our items we sell can be customised to what they want to put in it, however on the Veeqo packing slip it just shows the main item not how they customised it so in order to do this I have to go onto that order via Amazon and see the options they chose there, is there anyway to change this so that I can just print the packing slips all in 1 go from Veeqo?

user profile

Hi Matt,

1 of our items we sell can be customised to what they want to put in it, however on the Veeqo packing slip it just shows the main item not how they customised it so in order to do this I have to go onto that order via Amazon and see the options they chose there, is there anyway to change this so that I can just print the packing slips all in 1 go from Veeqo?

user profile


Can you please add SKUs to labels so you don't need to print any packing slips / packing labels?

It's the reason we haven't left Click & Drop

user profile


Can you please add SKUs to labels so you don't need to print any packing slips / packing labels?

It's the reason we haven't left Click & Drop

user profile

We want to add a new store to Veeqo which is Woo Commerce but It says we need to contact you to get on the list?

Is this possible and also can you confirm Veeqo can send the tracking numbers to Woo Commerce? We only use FBA

user profile

We want to add a new store to Veeqo which is Woo Commerce but It says we need to contact you to get on the list?

Is this possible and also can you confirm Veeqo can send the tracking numbers to Woo Commerce? We only use FBA

user profile

You are correct but many, probably most consumers don't realise this.

user profile
I thought everyone pays VAT unless those goods are exempt?
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user profile

You are correct but many, probably most consumers don't realise this.

user profile
I thought everyone pays VAT unless those goods are exempt?
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Hi Matt,

I have a question: Is it possible to manage all product listings, including images and descriptions, within Veeqo and then integrate and share those listings across marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and WooCommerce? I’d like to understand how product listing management works with Veeqo.


Archer eCom

user profile

Hi Matt,

I have a question: Is it possible to manage all product listings, including images and descriptions, within Veeqo and then integrate and share those listings across marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and WooCommerce? I’d like to understand how product listing management works with Veeqo.


Archer eCom

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Inventory Bin Labels printing!!

Once things are set up regards location/barcode etc is it possible to print off a shelf label so we can easily scan the location when picking??


user profile

Inventory Bin Labels printing!!

Once things are set up regards location/barcode etc is it possible to print off a shelf label so we can easily scan the location when picking??


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Any good person who can sell amazon pls contact me

user profile

Any good person who can sell amazon pls contact me


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