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Appeal Nightmare - 24 Appeals Rejected

by Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6

I’ve been caught in an appeal nightmare for over 3 years now. My account was suspended for intellectual property violations, which we immediately resolved by removing the offending listings and making changes to our company policies. Our appeal was easily accepted in every Amazon marketplace (Germany, USA, France, etc…) years ago, except for Amazon UK.

I have now spent countless hours on the phone with Amazon support about this and submitted 24 different appeals to Amazon UK and each time the appeal is rejected. I am now calling Amazon every single day, and each time the appeals team gives me completely different feedback and assures me that as soon as I make these specific changes to my appeal, it will be accepted. However, each day the new appeal is rejected and I get a new set of feedback.

My appeals that were accepted in other marketplaces were far less comprehensive, and I can see that other sellers are having single page appeals accepted. This is becoming extremely time-consuming, and I am starting to wonder if there is some flag on my account causing every appeal to be rejected without even a proper review. Last night, my appeal was rejected within minutes of being submitted, and many times the feedback on what is missing includes items that I have already included.

Has anyone had an experience like this? Any feedback on my appeal or on what more I can do would be highly appreciated. Please see my current appeal below – as you can see, the appeal is now ridiculously long to incorporate the additional information they request after each rejection.

Latest, rejected appeal:

Tags: Fees, Listings
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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

That’s the Amazon bot rejecting your appeal.

I haven’t read your appeal but it’s way too long.

I would take it back to basics in the standard 3 point format. Take out all the waffle, just facts,
on one page.

Good luck.

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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

I’ve scanned through it now, Amazon are going to know you don’t have an IP manger and a Quality Assurance Manager if you’re buying fake belts from a market.

Your route cause is not what happened but why it happened. - Because you weren’t aware of Amazons policies, copy and paste the link.

It needs to be short and to the point, Amazon aren’t bothered about pleasantries and titles etc, they just want to ensure you know what you did, why you did it and that you won’t do it again.

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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Would you be able to help in reinstatement of an account deactivated due to section 3, code of conduct drop shipping policy? If yes then please reach out to the following email,


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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Hello @FRONHOFER_Guertel,

This is Noor from Amazon to assist you.

We understand that you’re looking for assistance regarding your appeal rejection/account reactivation. For more assistance kindly attach the email of the account deactivation for a clear understanding.

Also, as far as account level appeals are concerned, the length of the appeal is not that matters for account reactivation, but the content that is being discussed to ensure that the violation will not be repeated again.

The 3 important elements of an appeal is Root cause, Corrective measures and Preventive steps.

The root cause of the violation has to be very clear and an acknowledgement on the same is necessary from your end as the Seller of the account. I see that, the root cause blames the employees for not checking the policies, etc., but

  • Why was the team not trained?
  • Why was the account access given to everybody?
  • Why were your employees not trained on the policies of Amazon when they were hired?
  • What is your role as the seller of the account?
  • Were you aware of the Amazon policies?

In the preventive measures you’ve mentioned that the new IP Account manager will perform all the checks, can you describe them?
You’ve provided the details of your new suppliers, and mentioned that your Account manager will handle everything, can you describe how exactly are they going to handle things and how are you sure that the new suppliers are authentic, what are the documentations that are going to be checked?
• Would be able to prove the reliability of your supplier?

  • How are your employees and yourself going to be trained?
  • By when is the training going to be conducted?
  • Resources that are going to be used while training?

Kindly ensure you check if the supplier has good rating and is a well-known and verifiable supplier with all valid documents/details.

Your plan of action has to be very strong that can ensure us that these violations will not be repeated again going forward.

You can also reach out to the Account health support team to have a thorough discussion on the appeal requirements through the Call me now button. You can also refer our policy pages from Seller university.

The forums community and I are here to help you. Do reach out if you need any further assistance.

Thanks & regards,

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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Agree - FAR too long. I lost the will about two paragraphs down !

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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Thanks to everybody for the helpful comments. We have written a new plan of action, completely from scratch.

We will let you know about the result.

Please note: the only reason our plan got bloated to 7 pages was that the Amazon consultants on the phone were telling us to add and include ever more information.


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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Hello @FRONHOFER_Guertel ,

Thank you so much for posting here.

This is Mary from Amazon here to assist you.

From your post, we understand that you need help with reactivation of your selling account.

As correctly stated by @Noor_Amazon do make changes to the appeal, as per the above appeal that you have submitted after reviewing it you need to make changes to the corrective measures as well according to the respective root causes that you mentioned,

Do mention the below points in your corrective measure:

  • Did you go through the policy pages?
  • How did you trained yourself and staff to comply with policies?
  • Which policy and help pages did you referred?
  • Are you still sourcing the products from the same supplier?

Please refer Amazon intellectual property policy

For any further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us as we are always here to help you.



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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Hello @Mary_Amazon and @Noor_Amazon

Can you please respond with additional help? I posted sufficient information, yet none of the official Amazon associates have replied or given any helpful reply.

We have submitted 25 appeals, had hours of phone calls with the account health team. We are providing all of the requested information in each appeal. Can you please carefully review and assist?

Is there any way to get our UK account reinstated?

Marlon Fronhofer

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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

@Mary_Amazon and @Noor_Amazon


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In reply to: Seller_Pbyqzl2NxFtr6’s post

Hello @FRONHOFER_Guertel,

This is Noor from Amazon to assist you.

As mentioned post above, kindly go through the questions we’ve mentioned.

Your preventive measures has to be very detailed.

How are you going to verify your new suppliers? Have you checked their documents? On what basis have you come to a conclusion that your new suppliers are providing authentic products?

In the appeal, the steps/process you’ve taken/developed, we’d suggest that you describe them.

Additionally, we recommend you to reach out to the Account health support team through the Call me now button on your account health page.

Thanks & Regards,

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