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Amazon UK VAT Disbursement Deactivated Disaster !!!!

How amazon destroyed my business.

At the beginning of the year I received a verification letter like many others. Initially I successfully passed their verification, a few hours later I received a second email that my account would not be opened because I was not VAT Establishement. They decided I am not a VAT establishment, even though according to UK state I am! I have emails for everything.

On the 17th of May I received a message from Amazon that I am VAT establishment, after sending them the official HMRC statement, and an official letter from my bank, which they wanted.

A few hours after that I got an email saying I had a policy violation from 22 March, and that my account would remain closed. The ridiculous thing about this violation is that I am not VAT establishment : screenshot 2

It appears that they are closing my account, for a violation according to them, which they then themselves find is not a violation ?!

Meanwhile, in April they forced me with a 7 day deadline to accept their payment plan to HMRC. According to them and HMRC I am VAT establishment but they have already started pulling the first instalment for this plan as if I am NETP ?! Over £6300!

And that's not all! Of my £35000 (over 6300 they took it for vat?!) that was blocked, 40% of that money is a credit to Amazon. The terms of the credit said that if they couldn't pull it from a bank account, they would pull it from the Amazon account. They haven't pulled them for five months now! But they charge me over 20% APY on over 15000 pounds. So every month or so they charge £250 per. month interest on money they have blocked from me and not withdrawn!

Amazon does whatever it wants with impunity. It violates all contracts, policies, steals other people's money. Even when I dropped them official letters from HMRC, they refused to accept them the first few times. Why does a corporation think it is more than the state ? So like all my listings I was selling I was competing directly with Amazon. Is Amazon pursuing a deliberate policy against the destruction of small sellers through various methods and loopholes they have found ?

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Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support
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Hello @Seller_watTlrGfyaL3n,

Abella here from Amazon to provide further assistance.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

To gain a clearer understanding of the matter, could you please share the initial and most recent performance notifications you received from the team? This will enable us to review them thoroughly and offer further insights.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we can help you.



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Just leave amazon that's what I will do in a month its a terrible business for sellers that's how they destroyed my life.

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Amazon UK VAT Disbursement Deactivated Disaster !!!!

How amazon destroyed my business.

At the beginning of the year I received a verification letter like many others. Initially I successfully passed their verification, a few hours later I received a second email that my account would not be opened because I was not VAT Establishement. They decided I am not a VAT establishment, even though according to UK state I am! I have emails for everything.

On the 17th of May I received a message from Amazon that I am VAT establishment, after sending them the official HMRC statement, and an official letter from my bank, which they wanted.

A few hours after that I got an email saying I had a policy violation from 22 March, and that my account would remain closed. The ridiculous thing about this violation is that I am not VAT establishment : screenshot 2

It appears that they are closing my account, for a violation according to them, which they then themselves find is not a violation ?!

Meanwhile, in April they forced me with a 7 day deadline to accept their payment plan to HMRC. According to them and HMRC I am VAT establishment but they have already started pulling the first instalment for this plan as if I am NETP ?! Over £6300!

And that's not all! Of my £35000 (over 6300 they took it for vat?!) that was blocked, 40% of that money is a credit to Amazon. The terms of the credit said that if they couldn't pull it from a bank account, they would pull it from the Amazon account. They haven't pulled them for five months now! But they charge me over 20% APY on over 15000 pounds. So every month or so they charge £250 per. month interest on money they have blocked from me and not withdrawn!

Amazon does whatever it wants with impunity. It violates all contracts, policies, steals other people's money. Even when I dropped them official letters from HMRC, they refused to accept them the first few times. Why does a corporation think it is more than the state ? So like all my listings I was selling I was competing directly with Amazon. Is Amazon pursuing a deliberate policy against the destruction of small sellers through various methods and loopholes they have found ?

3 replies
Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support
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Amazon UK VAT Disbursement Deactivated Disaster !!!!

by Seller_watTlrGfyaL3n

How amazon destroyed my business.

At the beginning of the year I received a verification letter like many others. Initially I successfully passed their verification, a few hours later I received a second email that my account would not be opened because I was not VAT Establishement. They decided I am not a VAT establishment, even though according to UK state I am! I have emails for everything.

On the 17th of May I received a message from Amazon that I am VAT establishment, after sending them the official HMRC statement, and an official letter from my bank, which they wanted.

A few hours after that I got an email saying I had a policy violation from 22 March, and that my account would remain closed. The ridiculous thing about this violation is that I am not VAT establishment : screenshot 2

It appears that they are closing my account, for a violation according to them, which they then themselves find is not a violation ?!

Meanwhile, in April they forced me with a 7 day deadline to accept their payment plan to HMRC. According to them and HMRC I am VAT establishment but they have already started pulling the first instalment for this plan as if I am NETP ?! Over £6300!

And that's not all! Of my £35000 (over 6300 they took it for vat?!) that was blocked, 40% of that money is a credit to Amazon. The terms of the credit said that if they couldn't pull it from a bank account, they would pull it from the Amazon account. They haven't pulled them for five months now! But they charge me over 20% APY on over 15000 pounds. So every month or so they charge £250 per. month interest on money they have blocked from me and not withdrawn!

Amazon does whatever it wants with impunity. It violates all contracts, policies, steals other people's money. Even when I dropped them official letters from HMRC, they refused to accept them the first few times. Why does a corporation think it is more than the state ? So like all my listings I was selling I was competing directly with Amazon. Is Amazon pursuing a deliberate policy against the destruction of small sellers through various methods and loopholes they have found ?

Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support
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Hello @Seller_watTlrGfyaL3n,

Abella here from Amazon to provide further assistance.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

To gain a clearer understanding of the matter, could you please share the initial and most recent performance notifications you received from the team? This will enable us to review them thoroughly and offer further insights.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we can help you.



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Just leave amazon that's what I will do in a month its a terrible business for sellers that's how they destroyed my life.

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Hello @Seller_watTlrGfyaL3n,

Abella here from Amazon to provide further assistance.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

To gain a clearer understanding of the matter, could you please share the initial and most recent performance notifications you received from the team? This will enable us to review them thoroughly and offer further insights.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we can help you.



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Hello @Seller_watTlrGfyaL3n,

Abella here from Amazon to provide further assistance.

We greatly appreciate you reaching out with your inquiry. Rest assured, we are committed to putting forth our utmost efforts to assist you with your query.

To gain a clearer understanding of the matter, could you please share the initial and most recent performance notifications you received from the team? This will enable us to review them thoroughly and offer further insights.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we can help you.



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Just leave amazon that's what I will do in a month its a terrible business for sellers that's how they destroyed my life.

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Just leave amazon that's what I will do in a month its a terrible business for sellers that's how they destroyed my life.

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