Read only2 years ago, roughly, Amazon forced SFP sellers to start using EVRi. By that I mean all other fulfilment methods were removed for myself and other SFP I have spoken to - I am not saying all SFP sellers but certainly for myself and lots of others. Obviously some deal had been done between EVRi and Amazon.
This week EVRi cancelled our collections stating that we need to ship 150 a week. We do ship 150 a week if the number is sampled over 12 months but in the Winter we are quiet. So we are left in a situation where we are Prime but cannot fulfill which is ridiculous. I have noticed that Royal Mail has recently started being an option and we do have daily RM collections for our other business - but the way Amazon operates it wouldn't surprise me if the RM option disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I can't see any work around to be honest - we are currently taking our parcels to a drop shop but it's not ideal as we will most likely miss the collections most days.