Read onlyHello i would like to make fresh start on my amazon journey from the scratch again. If i close my current seller and buyer account, will i be able to open new seller account ?
You can't close an account that is deactivated. If you open another account and your current account is deactivated the new one will be too.
No, don't do it ! You need to get your first account activated.
I would guess not otherwise everyone with bad feedback / low account health would just close their account and re open
They will linked both account. In that case you need to prove that you dont own other account Like you need sales agreement etc. Its hard way.
ive seen this before , go ahead open your account and youll find about a month after opening itll get suspended for being associated with a previous account esp if you use your old details . just cause it says it cant find it doesnt mean amazon bots wont
Theres no such thing as a fresh start. Amazon sees all and knows everything..... Whatever problem you had before, you still have. If you cant fix your mistakes of the past, you're best off starting up on another platform, and get things right this time.
No you shouldn't do that, although you will be able to open new account at this moment but at some later stage it will be connected and your account will be deactivated.