Help Needed: Amazon Seller Account Deactivated, Can't Access Email
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Help Needed: Amazon Seller Account Deactivated, Can't Access Email

Hello everyone,

I’m a university student and I’m really in need of some help. Back in January, I created two different Amazon Seller accounts. At the time, my intention wasn’t to start selling right away, but rather to set up the accounts in advance so that when I was ready to sell, I could jump right into action without any delays.

Fast forward to July, I finally completed all the necessary preparations and was ready to start selling, hoping to at least cover my monthly expenses. However, when I logged into my account, I was shocked to see that it had been deactivated months ago. I’m not entirely sure what led to the deactivation, because as I mentioned, I hadn’t logged in for months and hadn’t even listed any products.

One of the accounts was associated with an email address that I’ve since deleted, so I can’t access that email to check what might have gone wrong. I believe any violation probably came from that account, but since I can’t log in, I’m unable to defend myself or even understand what happened.

No matter what I write in my appeals, Amazon has been rejecting them, and what’s most frustrating is that I haven’t been able to find a way to really explain my situation to someone who can help. It feels like this issue, which I’m convinced could be resolved quickly if someone could just review the evidence, has dragged on far too long. I’m still struggling to find anyone who can truly listen and help me sort this out.

If anyone here has advice or has been through something similar, I’d be so grateful for your input. I just want to get this resolved and move forward.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I appreciate any help you can offer.

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I'm sorry to have to tell you this. Having two different seller accounts is one of the easiest ways to never be able to sell anything on amazon again. This is forbidden without explicit prior permission from amazon. Since not knowing something does not protect you from punishment, you now have to think for yourself how you want to ask amazon for mercy. Unfortunately, experience has shown that this does not look good. Why did you create 2 accounts in the first place? One is enough...

Kind Regards


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Hi @Seller_580l1X9Jv8P5m

Thanks for your post. My name is Oliver and I want to help you reactivate your account today. As you write, you are blocked due to having a second account.

Does the suspension notification mention just one account name? Then this is probably about your own account in 2 different regions. To understand:

Amazon seller accounts exist in three regions: Europe, America, and Far East.

If a seller has accounts in several regions, then this is treated as multiple accounts, i.e. you have to complete the initial registration in all regions separately and if that doesn't happen, then the region is blocked and then often the other region as well, because a related account has a problem, so to speak.

First, you need to unlock the other region. You can then activate the German marketplace (and rest of Europe).

To activate the America (or Far East) region, go to the Seller Central logo at the top left of Seller Central. On the right, you should then select an American marketplace from the drop-down menu, either USA, Canada, Mexico or Brazil (one is enough, which doesn't matter).

There, you would then have to follow the steps to reactivate: usually verify bank details and submit an invoice from a utility company from the last 90 days & updated business license to confirm.

If the America account is suspended for any other reason, please refer to the block message under Performance > Performance Notification.

For the second issue, not having access to the email, I think maybe this could help:

If signed in to Seller Central, search ‘two step verification’ to find information and FAQs.

If the Two-Step Verification fails and you can’t access your account, Go to "Two-Step Verification Account Recovery."

Follow the on-screen instructions to upload your identity document. Make sure that your name and address, and the issuing authority (for example, state or country) are visible. Cover, conceal, or remove sensitive information such as account numbers or identification numbers.

I hope this helps you out.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us here again.

Best regards


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