Read onlyHi!
Since the beggining of February, the FBA Fees of some of my products (Oversize Products) had an big increase in FBA Fees in all Eu countries! (i am in the PAN EU Program)
I know that there were some changes in FBA fees structure for oversize products, that according the communication from Amazon , those kind of products would have a lower FBA fee!
That was good news, but when the 1st of February came , i got almost the double of the previous fba fee :(
I look at the chart fees and FBA fees calculator and that doesnt match with the fees i am paying! Also, the FBA Fee explanation is unavailable inside seller central!
I have 2 cases open for this problem since then, and no real answer.. I guess that the decision of moving away from FBA to a 3PL is coming soon that i expected!
it´s a frustrating to lose money in all those sales, and nobody gives you any real answer!
Hi @Seller_1KqE0bPGA3kXi,
Feel free to share with me the related case numbers and I can push to get an answer for you on this.
Ange from Amazon