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I received a parallel export warning from the product. I bought the product from amazoncom. After I put the product on sale in my UK store, I received a parele export warning and my list was closed. When I examined the product, I saw that it did not have brand approval in the UK, and that it did not have an authorized distributor or online store in the UK. I sent my invoice to Amazon and a screenshot showing that the product was not brand approved in the UK, and therefore I stated that this was not an illegal parallel export and that it was not against Amazon policies. But each time I received automatic answers that I had not submitted the requested documents. Can you help with this?
the issue is that product is possibly not meant for sale on the UK market, especial as it refers to ‘Poison Control Centers’ it’s clearly designed for the US market. That and there are instances noted where Amazon don’t accept their receipts from purchases from as its been purchased retail.
I'm not sure what help you are expecting. You say it was removed due to being a parallel import and then confirm that it is indeed a parallel import not available in the UK.
Sell something else - and stop doing online arbitrage.
Hello @Seller_pxJ7wEXWE8Bpy,
Here Simon from Amazon, happy to try and help.
Have you already created a case with Seller Support?
If so, would you mind sharing the Case ID?