EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person)


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EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person)

As you probably know, manufacturers and brand owners: to sell to Northern Ireland (NI) you need an EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person). From August, or December, depending on item.

Amazon has still not clarified if Sellers can stop sales to NI, or all items have to still be available to all of the UK, as it is now (with SFP/FBA).

There seems to be a range of Companies in various parts of the EU, offering to be the EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person) for a fee. Most of the Sellers in China, seem to now have an EU address, but the Chinese email address on them to comply. Therefore, unless something goes wrong, Amazon will never know if anything can be actioned anyway, as most will email, not write.

It seems Amazon also want a photo to be added of the packaging with these details, but most listings do not show such, as yet.


1: Any suggestions for a good Company to deal with that offers: EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person) - at a reasonable price? - too many out there, but I've never heard of any of the Companies (do even some exist that are on the Chinese Sellers labels, as I do not want to write to any, and could it just be a forwarding address anyway, as most likely). A Representative in Ireland, the Netherlands or Malta, would be best as they virtually all speak English well. I assume the professional ones all include liability insurance?

2: If the brand owner does not bother registering, or even if registered not updating the listing, with photos, will the item be removed? - or just sold not by SFP/FBA. (often we cannot alter as Brand Registered, so as Sellers, even if the box shows details, the listing will be removed?) Mods know this one?

3: Some items I have bought mainly made in China, are not legal, and/or not safe, but they have the new EU Rep details on them, so clearly worthless having a Rep in the EU, as I am sure it is just a name/address, no one checking anything is safe, legal, etc.


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"Amazon has still not clarified if Sellers can stop sales to NI, or all items have to still be available to all of the UK, as it is now (with SFP/FBA)."

I'm fairly sure that following the Windsor Framework agreement, they clarified that it won't be needed.

If I'm wrong, I'd better start panicking again.

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Knowing Amazon, they will not clarify it, and over half the Amazon items will be removed from sale, then tehy may think they should do something!

Or, it will clear all old listings and 50% or even less of the items will be online.

It would help if Amazon could decide sooner, rather than later.

Even if all items can no longer be FBA/SFP and only sold with the NI exception, as is available at the moment, BUT, those items as sold by anyone could disappear as well.

Several Brand owners have told me they are not going to update photos for Amazon's benefit. They will however conform to selling in England, Scotland and Wales. They consider N. Ireland too small a market to worry about. I guess if their items are removed completely, then they may update, but too late by that time.

Some items with batteries need an update in August!

Nearly all listings do not show the packaging on with the addresses. Items arriving from Chinese Sellers with made-up brands etc, often comply with a sticky label on the generic packet though.

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