Product Authenticity Customer Complaint for an ASIN already deleted over a month ago - From belated malicious fabircation by customer


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Product Authenticity Customer Complaint for an ASIN already deleted over a month ago - From belated malicious fabircation by customer

Hello @Sakura_Amazon_@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

I hope you have all been well

Amazon has generated a Product Authenticity Customer Complaint for an ASIN already deleted over a month ago and @Sakura_Amazon_had already very kindly informed me 3 months ago that no violation can be generated in these circumtances:

''If you delete the listing using the "Delete" option and it is not present in the inventory anymore, it will not trigger Product Authenticity Customer Complaints. When Sellers receive the customer complaint violation, their listings will be deactivated, and in your case, as you don't have it in your inventory, there is nothing that can be deactivated.

However, if your listing status is Active / Out of stock / Closed and it is visible in your inventory, you can still receive this kind of violation.''

As well, I suspect the complaint to be malicious as the customer messaged me about the supposed nature of the product several weeks after having received it saying that ''I'm going to have to return it as it is a copy''... My items are of course not copies (I sell thousands of them without any nonsensical complaints) and the fact that he took so long to complaint clearly shows he was not telling the truth otherwise why wait so long?...

ASIN is B0D1XNDHMF. I have just opened a case with Seller Support (not expecting much from the to be honest) and the ID is 10527906982.

Actually Amazon straight out lied to me (on top of it all) on an email notification about the ''Complaint'' where they said the ASIN is still iisted which is a complete fabrication as it was deleted over a month ago as already explained before. The heading of the email received today reads:

''Dear Ripley357,

We received a complaint from a buyer about the authenticity of a product they ordered from you, which is listed at the end of this email. Your listings are still active.''

I find it OUTRAGEOUS both that Amazon allows customers to fabricate false allegations even weeks after receiving their products and always back their nonsense no matter how blatantly untruthful it may be and that they open complaints against sellers by VIOLATING THEIR OWN GUIDELINES to top it all by LYING ON EMAILS TO THEIR CUSTOMERS...

I know you guys are all a credit to the company but whoever is behind the present situation clearly is not.

I would really appreciate one of you guys helping me out as it was bad enough having a customer fabricating malicious nonsense about my products (likely knowing that for Amazon the customer is always right no matter the lies they tell and that hence they could fabricate any stories they felt like and get away with it) to now for Amazon to open a case against me by violating it's own guidelines and then lying to my face on an email...

Yours sincerely;


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Tags:Product authenticity
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have you checked each of your marketplace sites to see if it’s still active on one of those as this seems odd. Sorry if you already done this.

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I have had violations in the past for items removed from my inventory so I think the advice you received is incorrect.

Have you tried appealing the complaint with invoices to prove you have a genuine supply chain

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