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List price with tax for display

by Seller_SmRXp4eOK8VXX

Today for the first time, when I try to revise listings [ which are books ] I have to put a price into a box marked " List Price with Tax for Display ". As usual I can't get any sense out of Amazon about what this is or why suddenly it is necessary to fill this in. There is of course no tax on books. I am simply putting my selling price in the box. Unless I put in an entry the listing won't revise. Any advice or information would be helpful please. Thanks.

Tags: Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_SmRXp4eOK8VXX’s post

I believe from previous communications from Amazon that you need only enter 0 in that box.

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In reply to: Seller_SmRXp4eOK8VXX’s post

I've encountered the same problem today.

I use Abebook's Homebase export function to create a UIEE file to upload to Amazon and now receive the 'A value is required for the "list_price_with_tax" field.' message.

I haven't been able to find any information on how to amend my UIEE file so that it's accepted by Amazon.

Any advice appreciated.

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