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Used, Sold as New - Fraudulent Sellers


We UK Sellers, like to think all Sellers here are honest, but unfortunately, some Sellers are not, and they can give a bad reputation to all Sellers.

Amazon ask Sellers to complete 2 test purchases if an issue, such as a Used item, being sold New.

In previous times, Amazon used to then remove those rogue Sellers, but it seems if they use FBA, that somehow Amazon then seem to accept the liability and they continue trading.

I can also see with the latest example, we had, that the bad feedback for that Seller has also been struck through.

Firstly, why don't Amazon FBA staff reject any boxes that are damaged, marked, and even taped up? (also if in plain boxes, when all other stock is in makers printed boxes).

It would also be good if a FBA item was able to be checked by Amazon staff, not having to do a test purchase.

In March we reported and bought on: 206-2397977-8305153 + 206-9715233-3605139 - we assumed something happened as then that Seller did not sell that item.

However, they are now selling again, so had to do 3 more test purchases with: FBAWa...... - 206-0811017-2146743 + 206-8246138-0464303 + 206-7663923-8578722

Yet again, all used items, but sold on FBA as if they are new. Deliberately fraudulent.

(Makers boxes all marked/damaged/taped. Serial numbers on the item do not match the one on the box. The item inside does not have tissue paper as new, nor even a plastic bag. No screen protector on 4 of the 5 and the initial 2 were quite marked. Some did not have paper manuals).

I am aware some returns that Amazon may think are 'As New' can get resold 'New', although it would be really nice to have a 'New', and an 'As New - 30-Day Return' rather than a Used as New section to choose. As they are not really used items as such, as those could be months old. (these items we reported were not Amazon returns that could be as new anyway, as that Seller had not sold them before, so could not be returns - all were also labelled by the Seller, so could not be mixed with other goods in).

Have other Sellers also had problems reporting rogue Sellers?

4 replies
Tags:Product authenticity
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Used, Sold as New - Fraudulent Sellers


We UK Sellers, like to think all Sellers here are honest, but unfortunately, some Sellers are not, and they can give a bad reputation to all Sellers.

Amazon ask Sellers to complete 2 test purchases if an issue, such as a Used item, being sold New.

In previous times, Amazon used to then remove those rogue Sellers, but it seems if they use FBA, that somehow Amazon then seem to accept the liability and they continue trading.

I can also see with the latest example, we had, that the bad feedback for that Seller has also been struck through.

Firstly, why don't Amazon FBA staff reject any boxes that are damaged, marked, and even taped up? (also if in plain boxes, when all other stock is in makers printed boxes).

It would also be good if a FBA item was able to be checked by Amazon staff, not having to do a test purchase.

In March we reported and bought on: 206-2397977-8305153 + 206-9715233-3605139 - we assumed something happened as then that Seller did not sell that item.

However, they are now selling again, so had to do 3 more test purchases with: FBAWa...... - 206-0811017-2146743 + 206-8246138-0464303 + 206-7663923-8578722

Yet again, all used items, but sold on FBA as if they are new. Deliberately fraudulent.

(Makers boxes all marked/damaged/taped. Serial numbers on the item do not match the one on the box. The item inside does not have tissue paper as new, nor even a plastic bag. No screen protector on 4 of the 5 and the initial 2 were quite marked. Some did not have paper manuals).

I am aware some returns that Amazon may think are 'As New' can get resold 'New', although it would be really nice to have a 'New', and an 'As New - 30-Day Return' rather than a Used as New section to choose. As they are not really used items as such, as those could be months old. (these items we reported were not Amazon returns that could be as new anyway, as that Seller had not sold them before, so could not be returns - all were also labelled by the Seller, so could not be mixed with other goods in).

Have other Sellers also had problems reporting rogue Sellers?

Tags:Product authenticity
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I have added 3x 1 star feedbacks for this fraudulent Seller. 2 struck through and the 3rd removed!

Should we all just sell used items, as new, clearly Amazon do not care, this Seller is still selling used items on FBA, but being sold 'new'

Then 100% good feedback, as they get Amazon to strike through or remove any bad feedback.

I could also make so much more money selling second-hand used items, as if they wre new. Can we all do this now?


I note the Mods are quiet on this as well.

These Rogue Sellers should be removed from Amazon, it seems if you use FBA, you can get away with anything.

Case raised, photos provided as proof, on 5 items bought from this Seller, serial numbers do not match the boxes, items NOT new.

@Julia_Amazon@Julia_Amzn @Winston_Amazon

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Used, Sold as New - Fraudulent Sellers


We UK Sellers, like to think all Sellers here are honest, but unfortunately, some Sellers are not, and they can give a bad reputation to all Sellers.

Amazon ask Sellers to complete 2 test purchases if an issue, such as a Used item, being sold New.

In previous times, Amazon used to then remove those rogue Sellers, but it seems if they use FBA, that somehow Amazon then seem to accept the liability and they continue trading.

I can also see with the latest example, we had, that the bad feedback for that Seller has also been struck through.

Firstly, why don't Amazon FBA staff reject any boxes that are damaged, marked, and even taped up? (also if in plain boxes, when all other stock is in makers printed boxes).

It would also be good if a FBA item was able to be checked by Amazon staff, not having to do a test purchase.

In March we reported and bought on: 206-2397977-8305153 + 206-9715233-3605139 - we assumed something happened as then that Seller did not sell that item.

However, they are now selling again, so had to do 3 more test purchases with: FBAWa...... - 206-0811017-2146743 + 206-8246138-0464303 + 206-7663923-8578722

Yet again, all used items, but sold on FBA as if they are new. Deliberately fraudulent.

(Makers boxes all marked/damaged/taped. Serial numbers on the item do not match the one on the box. The item inside does not have tissue paper as new, nor even a plastic bag. No screen protector on 4 of the 5 and the initial 2 were quite marked. Some did not have paper manuals).

I am aware some returns that Amazon may think are 'As New' can get resold 'New', although it would be really nice to have a 'New', and an 'As New - 30-Day Return' rather than a Used as New section to choose. As they are not really used items as such, as those could be months old. (these items we reported were not Amazon returns that could be as new anyway, as that Seller had not sold them before, so could not be returns - all were also labelled by the Seller, so could not be mixed with other goods in).

Have other Sellers also had problems reporting rogue Sellers?

4 replies
Tags:Product authenticity
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Used, Sold as New - Fraudulent Sellers


We UK Sellers, like to think all Sellers here are honest, but unfortunately, some Sellers are not, and they can give a bad reputation to all Sellers.

Amazon ask Sellers to complete 2 test purchases if an issue, such as a Used item, being sold New.

In previous times, Amazon used to then remove those rogue Sellers, but it seems if they use FBA, that somehow Amazon then seem to accept the liability and they continue trading.

I can also see with the latest example, we had, that the bad feedback for that Seller has also been struck through.

Firstly, why don't Amazon FBA staff reject any boxes that are damaged, marked, and even taped up? (also if in plain boxes, when all other stock is in makers printed boxes).

It would also be good if a FBA item was able to be checked by Amazon staff, not having to do a test purchase.

In March we reported and bought on: 206-2397977-8305153 + 206-9715233-3605139 - we assumed something happened as then that Seller did not sell that item.

However, they are now selling again, so had to do 3 more test purchases with: FBAWa...... - 206-0811017-2146743 + 206-8246138-0464303 + 206-7663923-8578722

Yet again, all used items, but sold on FBA as if they are new. Deliberately fraudulent.

(Makers boxes all marked/damaged/taped. Serial numbers on the item do not match the one on the box. The item inside does not have tissue paper as new, nor even a plastic bag. No screen protector on 4 of the 5 and the initial 2 were quite marked. Some did not have paper manuals).

I am aware some returns that Amazon may think are 'As New' can get resold 'New', although it would be really nice to have a 'New', and an 'As New - 30-Day Return' rather than a Used as New section to choose. As they are not really used items as such, as those could be months old. (these items we reported were not Amazon returns that could be as new anyway, as that Seller had not sold them before, so could not be returns - all were also labelled by the Seller, so could not be mixed with other goods in).

Have other Sellers also had problems reporting rogue Sellers?

Tags:Product authenticity
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Used, Sold as New - Fraudulent Sellers

by Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP


We UK Sellers, like to think all Sellers here are honest, but unfortunately, some Sellers are not, and they can give a bad reputation to all Sellers.

Amazon ask Sellers to complete 2 test purchases if an issue, such as a Used item, being sold New.

In previous times, Amazon used to then remove those rogue Sellers, but it seems if they use FBA, that somehow Amazon then seem to accept the liability and they continue trading.

I can also see with the latest example, we had, that the bad feedback for that Seller has also been struck through.

Firstly, why don't Amazon FBA staff reject any boxes that are damaged, marked, and even taped up? (also if in plain boxes, when all other stock is in makers printed boxes).

It would also be good if a FBA item was able to be checked by Amazon staff, not having to do a test purchase.

In March we reported and bought on: 206-2397977-8305153 + 206-9715233-3605139 - we assumed something happened as then that Seller did not sell that item.

However, they are now selling again, so had to do 3 more test purchases with: FBAWa...... - 206-0811017-2146743 + 206-8246138-0464303 + 206-7663923-8578722

Yet again, all used items, but sold on FBA as if they are new. Deliberately fraudulent.

(Makers boxes all marked/damaged/taped. Serial numbers on the item do not match the one on the box. The item inside does not have tissue paper as new, nor even a plastic bag. No screen protector on 4 of the 5 and the initial 2 were quite marked. Some did not have paper manuals).

I am aware some returns that Amazon may think are 'As New' can get resold 'New', although it would be really nice to have a 'New', and an 'As New - 30-Day Return' rather than a Used as New section to choose. As they are not really used items as such, as those could be months old. (these items we reported were not Amazon returns that could be as new anyway, as that Seller had not sold them before, so could not be returns - all were also labelled by the Seller, so could not be mixed with other goods in).

Have other Sellers also had problems reporting rogue Sellers?

Tags:Product authenticity
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I have added 3x 1 star feedbacks for this fraudulent Seller. 2 struck through and the 3rd removed!

Should we all just sell used items, as new, clearly Amazon do not care, this Seller is still selling used items on FBA, but being sold 'new'

Then 100% good feedback, as they get Amazon to strike through or remove any bad feedback.

I could also make so much more money selling second-hand used items, as if they wre new. Can we all do this now?


I note the Mods are quiet on this as well.

These Rogue Sellers should be removed from Amazon, it seems if you use FBA, you can get away with anything.

Case raised, photos provided as proof, on 5 items bought from this Seller, serial numbers do not match the boxes, items NOT new.

@Julia_Amazon@Julia_Amzn @Winston_Amazon

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I have added 3x 1 star feedbacks for this fraudulent Seller. 2 struck through and the 3rd removed!

Should we all just sell used items, as new, clearly Amazon do not care, this Seller is still selling used items on FBA, but being sold 'new'

Then 100% good feedback, as they get Amazon to strike through or remove any bad feedback.

I could also make so much more money selling second-hand used items, as if they wre new. Can we all do this now?


I note the Mods are quiet on this as well.

These Rogue Sellers should be removed from Amazon, it seems if you use FBA, you can get away with anything.

Case raised, photos provided as proof, on 5 items bought from this Seller, serial numbers do not match the boxes, items NOT new.

@Julia_Amazon@Julia_Amzn @Winston_Amazon

user profile

I have added 3x 1 star feedbacks for this fraudulent Seller. 2 struck through and the 3rd removed!

Should we all just sell used items, as new, clearly Amazon do not care, this Seller is still selling used items on FBA, but being sold 'new'

Then 100% good feedback, as they get Amazon to strike through or remove any bad feedback.

I could also make so much more money selling second-hand used items, as if they wre new. Can we all do this now?


I note the Mods are quiet on this as well.

These Rogue Sellers should be removed from Amazon, it seems if you use FBA, you can get away with anything.

Case raised, photos provided as proof, on 5 items bought from this Seller, serial numbers do not match the boxes, items NOT new.

@Julia_Amazon@Julia_Amzn @Winston_Amazon

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