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How to report a violation

Hello Sellers 👋

Here a quick recap on how to report a violation:

Sellers are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations and Amazon policies when listing products. Amazon encourages sellers to report listing abuse or seller violations of Amazon’s policies or applicable law.

All reports are thoroughly investigated by our team.

For privacy reasons, the results of our investigations cannot be disclosed, but we will take any disciplinary actions that we find appropriate.

Policy violations are the result of a seller violating the activities listed on the Selling Policies and Code of Conduct page.

  1. Go to Report Abuse
  2. Select violation type
  3. Provide concerned Order ID or ASIN/ISBN, as applicable
  4. Make sure to include the following information in the Please describe your issue field, as applicable:
  • The store or business name of the seller that you are reporting
  • The ASIN or ISBN of the item’s detail page and the product title
  • The marketplaces for which the violation has occurred
  • A concise explanation of the violation based on the policy
  • Supporting documentation (for example, order IDs, related messaging or receipts)

5. Submit



21 replies
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To all the mods who are starting these useful threads. Great idea, but all that happens is that the thread disappears off the page as more and more new threads are added, and then it is almost impossible to find again as the search function is not the best !!!

Also, as I have mentioned elsewhere, it would be helpful if only posts with replies could be shown in chronological order, not just those with views, as unanswered posts, that have only views still appear at the top of the page, whereas posts with replies eventually disappear way down the pages. (Just my opinion !)

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The most common issue I see is brand problems. An obviously branded product being sold either as 'generic' or under an invented/that seller's private brand. Whether created innocently in error or done deliberately to circumvent brand gating, either way the listing is wrong.

There are products I choose not to list because the GTIN is tied to an ASIN with incorrect branding meaning I'd risk my own account if I did, and cannot create a different listing as the GTIN is locked to said listing. These aren't brands that I own but brands am permitted to sell.

Should these be reported each time I see them? and if so in which abuse policy as I am not the brand owner.

user profile

There are many on this and the previous forum incarnation that did and do report "violations", many of them when they've been victim of violating sellers themselves (Amazon sometimes being one of the protagonists) but Amazon do sod all about it. Replacing living individuals with AI makes thing worse IMHO as bots have no common sense whatsoever, Amazon with their vast wealth and resources could do a lot better but they don't as they've lost sight of what matters to ordinary folk.

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Do any other Sellers have the same opinion on this?
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I'm not convinced that unanswered posts should be ignored chronologically but if they get no replies, they will eventually drop off.

IMHO, you only need to look at the previous forum to understand how an excellent, user-friendly and useful forum should operate for users.

1) no nested replies (probably the worst "improvement" of this forum)

2) a "latest" function that works correctly (ie in order of most recent post/reply)

3) a forum that remembers where you were and what you saw. I can't believe that anyone finds it acceptable that if I go into a thread with hundreds of replies, I have to scroll through each reply to get to the bottom every time. And that doesn't even get me to the latest reply as that is nested somewhere, never to be seen.

4) Currently, when I click on "more discussions" and go into a topic, when I come out of the thread, the system takes me back to the very top of the discussions. How unhelpful is that?? Now, I have to click "More discussions" several times again to go where I last was (in reality, I don't bother)

5) etc etc

user profile

Last time I reported a violation (another seller, selling fakes on my brand listing), I got a section 3 for "Taking actions in order to harm other sellers" !!!

user profile

Especially the very important lost input from so many very knowledgeable contributors to the old forum that could not agree with the new format.

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lessons need to be learnt from the 'old' one.
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But if the violation is Amazon themselves it does not work.

For example the Amazon_EU selling profile bringing invalid information (wrong language of product titles etc) in from another amazon marketplace - then it cannot be report as abuse - as the automated system does not accept any reports against amazon themselves.

user profile

I gave up reporting violations yeas ago because they were always closed automatically with a message to the effect that I wasn't the brand owner' or 'nothing to see here, move along'.

I only reported ASINs in BMVD.

These 'violations' were generally things like individual seller condition notes appearing as main Product Descriptions, duplicated ASINs usurping ISBNs and EANs already in the catalogue, missing or incorrect product images &c.

Some sellers are serial abusers of the BMVD catalogue. They use sophisticated software that duplicates and mangles millions of legit ASINs/EANs/ISBNs to create what is effectively a parallel catalogue of overpriced duplicates.

This catalogue abuse is obvious to those of us who manually list in BMVD but Amazon's robots seem totally incapable of spotting these (to human eyes) clear violations of Amazon listing policies.

user profile

Can I just add that I think reporting problems, errors and 'violations' in BMVD should be dealt with differently to those in other areas of the catalogue.

The bulk of sellers in BMVD are not brand owners nor do they have access to authorised suppliers. Most books, for example, are out-of-print and it is literally impossible to supply evidence from 'manufacturers' to back up suggested changes and improvements to existing catalogue info.

I haven't really bothered attempting to report catalogue problems since Amazon introduced the brand registry process to BMVD. It's far too much hassle convincing SS that brand registry is irrelevant.

What we need are human staff with a reasonable knowledge of publishing methods and formats (be it printed literature, recorded music, video, or audiobooks &c).

Often, just a pair of human eyes looking at the ASIN page in question is all that is needed to spot obvious errors.

[edited for...errors!]

user profile

How about a non-exhaustive list of exactly what Amazon considers a violation, how were meant to report it, and what we can do to track the progress of that report. Every time Ive reported something wrong in SS, they dont TELL me to report a violation, but just signpost me to it without saying if what Ive reported to them is a violation. Then, theres no way of then knowing what action, if any has been taken.

Perhaps SS should keep open cases until the apparent "violation" has been addressed or rejected. Amazon need more effective case management processes and the system were given to manage them needs to be improved, so that cases close when we close it, not just after 5 days. And if the issue doesent get fixed, the case doesent get closed.

Also, if we report a violation to SS, they should put some frigging work in and just address it, not signpost us away from them to a non-entity who may or may not actually act.

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How to report a violation

Hello Sellers 👋

Here a quick recap on how to report a violation:

Sellers are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations and Amazon policies when listing products. Amazon encourages sellers to report listing abuse or seller violations of Amazon’s policies or applicable law.

All reports are thoroughly investigated by our team.

For privacy reasons, the results of our investigations cannot be disclosed, but we will take any disciplinary actions that we find appropriate.

Policy violations are the result of a seller violating the activities listed on the Selling Policies and Code of Conduct page.

  1. Go to Report Abuse
  2. Select violation type
  3. Provide concerned Order ID or ASIN/ISBN, as applicable
  4. Make sure to include the following information in the Please describe your issue field, as applicable:
  • The store or business name of the seller that you are reporting
  • The ASIN or ISBN of the item’s detail page and the product title
  • The marketplaces for which the violation has occurred
  • A concise explanation of the violation based on the policy
  • Supporting documentation (for example, order IDs, related messaging or receipts)

5. Submit



21 replies
Tags:Quick tips
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How to report a violation

by Simon_Amazon

Hello Sellers 👋

Here a quick recap on how to report a violation:

Sellers are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations and Amazon policies when listing products. Amazon encourages sellers to report listing abuse or seller violations of Amazon’s policies or applicable law.

All reports are thoroughly investigated by our team.

For privacy reasons, the results of our investigations cannot be disclosed, but we will take any disciplinary actions that we find appropriate.

Policy violations are the result of a seller violating the activities listed on the Selling Policies and Code of Conduct page.

  1. Go to Report Abuse
  2. Select violation type
  3. Provide concerned Order ID or ASIN/ISBN, as applicable
  4. Make sure to include the following information in the Please describe your issue field, as applicable:
  • The store or business name of the seller that you are reporting
  • The ASIN or ISBN of the item’s detail page and the product title
  • The marketplaces for which the violation has occurred
  • A concise explanation of the violation based on the policy
  • Supporting documentation (for example, order IDs, related messaging or receipts)

5. Submit



Tags:Quick tips
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To all the mods who are starting these useful threads. Great idea, but all that happens is that the thread disappears off the page as more and more new threads are added, and then it is almost impossible to find again as the search function is not the best !!!

Also, as I have mentioned elsewhere, it would be helpful if only posts with replies could be shown in chronological order, not just those with views, as unanswered posts, that have only views still appear at the top of the page, whereas posts with replies eventually disappear way down the pages. (Just my opinion !)

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The most common issue I see is brand problems. An obviously branded product being sold either as 'generic' or under an invented/that seller's private brand. Whether created innocently in error or done deliberately to circumvent brand gating, either way the listing is wrong.

There are products I choose not to list because the GTIN is tied to an ASIN with incorrect branding meaning I'd risk my own account if I did, and cannot create a different listing as the GTIN is locked to said listing. These aren't brands that I own but brands am permitted to sell.

Should these be reported each time I see them? and if so in which abuse policy as I am not the brand owner.

user profile

There are many on this and the previous forum incarnation that did and do report "violations", many of them when they've been victim of violating sellers themselves (Amazon sometimes being one of the protagonists) but Amazon do sod all about it. Replacing living individuals with AI makes thing worse IMHO as bots have no common sense whatsoever, Amazon with their vast wealth and resources could do a lot better but they don't as they've lost sight of what matters to ordinary folk.

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Do any other Sellers have the same opinion on this?
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I'm not convinced that unanswered posts should be ignored chronologically but if they get no replies, they will eventually drop off.

IMHO, you only need to look at the previous forum to understand how an excellent, user-friendly and useful forum should operate for users.

1) no nested replies (probably the worst "improvement" of this forum)

2) a "latest" function that works correctly (ie in order of most recent post/reply)

3) a forum that remembers where you were and what you saw. I can't believe that anyone finds it acceptable that if I go into a thread with hundreds of replies, I have to scroll through each reply to get to the bottom every time. And that doesn't even get me to the latest reply as that is nested somewhere, never to be seen.

4) Currently, when I click on "more discussions" and go into a topic, when I come out of the thread, the system takes me back to the very top of the discussions. How unhelpful is that?? Now, I have to click "More discussions" several times again to go where I last was (in reality, I don't bother)

5) etc etc

user profile

Last time I reported a violation (another seller, selling fakes on my brand listing), I got a section 3 for "Taking actions in order to harm other sellers" !!!

user profile

Especially the very important lost input from so many very knowledgeable contributors to the old forum that could not agree with the new format.

user profile
lessons need to be learnt from the 'old' one.
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But if the violation is Amazon themselves it does not work.

For example the Amazon_EU selling profile bringing invalid information (wrong language of product titles etc) in from another amazon marketplace - then it cannot be report as abuse - as the automated system does not accept any reports against amazon themselves.

user profile

I gave up reporting violations yeas ago because they were always closed automatically with a message to the effect that I wasn't the brand owner' or 'nothing to see here, move along'.

I only reported ASINs in BMVD.

These 'violations' were generally things like individual seller condition notes appearing as main Product Descriptions, duplicated ASINs usurping ISBNs and EANs already in the catalogue, missing or incorrect product images &c.

Some sellers are serial abusers of the BMVD catalogue. They use sophisticated software that duplicates and mangles millions of legit ASINs/EANs/ISBNs to create what is effectively a parallel catalogue of overpriced duplicates.

This catalogue abuse is obvious to those of us who manually list in BMVD but Amazon's robots seem totally incapable of spotting these (to human eyes) clear violations of Amazon listing policies.

user profile

Can I just add that I think reporting problems, errors and 'violations' in BMVD should be dealt with differently to those in other areas of the catalogue.

The bulk of sellers in BMVD are not brand owners nor do they have access to authorised suppliers. Most books, for example, are out-of-print and it is literally impossible to supply evidence from 'manufacturers' to back up suggested changes and improvements to existing catalogue info.

I haven't really bothered attempting to report catalogue problems since Amazon introduced the brand registry process to BMVD. It's far too much hassle convincing SS that brand registry is irrelevant.

What we need are human staff with a reasonable knowledge of publishing methods and formats (be it printed literature, recorded music, video, or audiobooks &c).

Often, just a pair of human eyes looking at the ASIN page in question is all that is needed to spot obvious errors.

[edited for...errors!]

user profile

How about a non-exhaustive list of exactly what Amazon considers a violation, how were meant to report it, and what we can do to track the progress of that report. Every time Ive reported something wrong in SS, they dont TELL me to report a violation, but just signpost me to it without saying if what Ive reported to them is a violation. Then, theres no way of then knowing what action, if any has been taken.

Perhaps SS should keep open cases until the apparent "violation" has been addressed or rejected. Amazon need more effective case management processes and the system were given to manage them needs to be improved, so that cases close when we close it, not just after 5 days. And if the issue doesent get fixed, the case doesent get closed.

Also, if we report a violation to SS, they should put some frigging work in and just address it, not signpost us away from them to a non-entity who may or may not actually act.

user profile

To all the mods who are starting these useful threads. Great idea, but all that happens is that the thread disappears off the page as more and more new threads are added, and then it is almost impossible to find again as the search function is not the best !!!

Also, as I have mentioned elsewhere, it would be helpful if only posts with replies could be shown in chronological order, not just those with views, as unanswered posts, that have only views still appear at the top of the page, whereas posts with replies eventually disappear way down the pages. (Just my opinion !)

user profile

To all the mods who are starting these useful threads. Great idea, but all that happens is that the thread disappears off the page as more and more new threads are added, and then it is almost impossible to find again as the search function is not the best !!!

Also, as I have mentioned elsewhere, it would be helpful if only posts with replies could be shown in chronological order, not just those with views, as unanswered posts, that have only views still appear at the top of the page, whereas posts with replies eventually disappear way down the pages. (Just my opinion !)

user profile

The most common issue I see is brand problems. An obviously branded product being sold either as 'generic' or under an invented/that seller's private brand. Whether created innocently in error or done deliberately to circumvent brand gating, either way the listing is wrong.

There are products I choose not to list because the GTIN is tied to an ASIN with incorrect branding meaning I'd risk my own account if I did, and cannot create a different listing as the GTIN is locked to said listing. These aren't brands that I own but brands am permitted to sell.

Should these be reported each time I see them? and if so in which abuse policy as I am not the brand owner.

user profile

The most common issue I see is brand problems. An obviously branded product being sold either as 'generic' or under an invented/that seller's private brand. Whether created innocently in error or done deliberately to circumvent brand gating, either way the listing is wrong.

There are products I choose not to list because the GTIN is tied to an ASIN with incorrect branding meaning I'd risk my own account if I did, and cannot create a different listing as the GTIN is locked to said listing. These aren't brands that I own but brands am permitted to sell.

Should these be reported each time I see them? and if so in which abuse policy as I am not the brand owner.

user profile

There are many on this and the previous forum incarnation that did and do report "violations", many of them when they've been victim of violating sellers themselves (Amazon sometimes being one of the protagonists) but Amazon do sod all about it. Replacing living individuals with AI makes thing worse IMHO as bots have no common sense whatsoever, Amazon with their vast wealth and resources could do a lot better but they don't as they've lost sight of what matters to ordinary folk.

user profile

There are many on this and the previous forum incarnation that did and do report "violations", many of them when they've been victim of violating sellers themselves (Amazon sometimes being one of the protagonists) but Amazon do sod all about it. Replacing living individuals with AI makes thing worse IMHO as bots have no common sense whatsoever, Amazon with their vast wealth and resources could do a lot better but they don't as they've lost sight of what matters to ordinary folk.

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user profile
Do any other Sellers have the same opinion on this?
View post

I'm not convinced that unanswered posts should be ignored chronologically but if they get no replies, they will eventually drop off.

IMHO, you only need to look at the previous forum to understand how an excellent, user-friendly and useful forum should operate for users.

1) no nested replies (probably the worst "improvement" of this forum)

2) a "latest" function that works correctly (ie in order of most recent post/reply)

3) a forum that remembers where you were and what you saw. I can't believe that anyone finds it acceptable that if I go into a thread with hundreds of replies, I have to scroll through each reply to get to the bottom every time. And that doesn't even get me to the latest reply as that is nested somewhere, never to be seen.

4) Currently, when I click on "more discussions" and go into a topic, when I come out of the thread, the system takes me back to the very top of the discussions. How unhelpful is that?? Now, I have to click "More discussions" several times again to go where I last was (in reality, I don't bother)

5) etc etc

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user profile
Do any other Sellers have the same opinion on this?
View post

I'm not convinced that unanswered posts should be ignored chronologically but if they get no replies, they will eventually drop off.

IMHO, you only need to look at the previous forum to understand how an excellent, user-friendly and useful forum should operate for users.

1) no nested replies (probably the worst "improvement" of this forum)

2) a "latest" function that works correctly (ie in order of most recent post/reply)

3) a forum that remembers where you were and what you saw. I can't believe that anyone finds it acceptable that if I go into a thread with hundreds of replies, I have to scroll through each reply to get to the bottom every time. And that doesn't even get me to the latest reply as that is nested somewhere, never to be seen.

4) Currently, when I click on "more discussions" and go into a topic, when I come out of the thread, the system takes me back to the very top of the discussions. How unhelpful is that?? Now, I have to click "More discussions" several times again to go where I last was (in reality, I don't bother)

5) etc etc

user profile

Last time I reported a violation (another seller, selling fakes on my brand listing), I got a section 3 for "Taking actions in order to harm other sellers" !!!

user profile

Last time I reported a violation (another seller, selling fakes on my brand listing), I got a section 3 for "Taking actions in order to harm other sellers" !!!

user profile

Especially the very important lost input from so many very knowledgeable contributors to the old forum that could not agree with the new format.

user profile
lessons need to be learnt from the 'old' one.
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user profile

Especially the very important lost input from so many very knowledgeable contributors to the old forum that could not agree with the new format.

user profile
lessons need to be learnt from the 'old' one.
View post
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But if the violation is Amazon themselves it does not work.

For example the Amazon_EU selling profile bringing invalid information (wrong language of product titles etc) in from another amazon marketplace - then it cannot be report as abuse - as the automated system does not accept any reports against amazon themselves.

user profile

But if the violation is Amazon themselves it does not work.

For example the Amazon_EU selling profile bringing invalid information (wrong language of product titles etc) in from another amazon marketplace - then it cannot be report as abuse - as the automated system does not accept any reports against amazon themselves.

user profile

I gave up reporting violations yeas ago because they were always closed automatically with a message to the effect that I wasn't the brand owner' or 'nothing to see here, move along'.

I only reported ASINs in BMVD.

These 'violations' were generally things like individual seller condition notes appearing as main Product Descriptions, duplicated ASINs usurping ISBNs and EANs already in the catalogue, missing or incorrect product images &c.

Some sellers are serial abusers of the BMVD catalogue. They use sophisticated software that duplicates and mangles millions of legit ASINs/EANs/ISBNs to create what is effectively a parallel catalogue of overpriced duplicates.

This catalogue abuse is obvious to those of us who manually list in BMVD but Amazon's robots seem totally incapable of spotting these (to human eyes) clear violations of Amazon listing policies.

user profile

I gave up reporting violations yeas ago because they were always closed automatically with a message to the effect that I wasn't the brand owner' or 'nothing to see here, move along'.

I only reported ASINs in BMVD.

These 'violations' were generally things like individual seller condition notes appearing as main Product Descriptions, duplicated ASINs usurping ISBNs and EANs already in the catalogue, missing or incorrect product images &c.

Some sellers are serial abusers of the BMVD catalogue. They use sophisticated software that duplicates and mangles millions of legit ASINs/EANs/ISBNs to create what is effectively a parallel catalogue of overpriced duplicates.

This catalogue abuse is obvious to those of us who manually list in BMVD but Amazon's robots seem totally incapable of spotting these (to human eyes) clear violations of Amazon listing policies.

user profile

Can I just add that I think reporting problems, errors and 'violations' in BMVD should be dealt with differently to those in other areas of the catalogue.

The bulk of sellers in BMVD are not brand owners nor do they have access to authorised suppliers. Most books, for example, are out-of-print and it is literally impossible to supply evidence from 'manufacturers' to back up suggested changes and improvements to existing catalogue info.

I haven't really bothered attempting to report catalogue problems since Amazon introduced the brand registry process to BMVD. It's far too much hassle convincing SS that brand registry is irrelevant.

What we need are human staff with a reasonable knowledge of publishing methods and formats (be it printed literature, recorded music, video, or audiobooks &c).

Often, just a pair of human eyes looking at the ASIN page in question is all that is needed to spot obvious errors.

[edited for...errors!]

user profile

Can I just add that I think reporting problems, errors and 'violations' in BMVD should be dealt with differently to those in other areas of the catalogue.

The bulk of sellers in BMVD are not brand owners nor do they have access to authorised suppliers. Most books, for example, are out-of-print and it is literally impossible to supply evidence from 'manufacturers' to back up suggested changes and improvements to existing catalogue info.

I haven't really bothered attempting to report catalogue problems since Amazon introduced the brand registry process to BMVD. It's far too much hassle convincing SS that brand registry is irrelevant.

What we need are human staff with a reasonable knowledge of publishing methods and formats (be it printed literature, recorded music, video, or audiobooks &c).

Often, just a pair of human eyes looking at the ASIN page in question is all that is needed to spot obvious errors.

[edited for...errors!]

user profile

How about a non-exhaustive list of exactly what Amazon considers a violation, how were meant to report it, and what we can do to track the progress of that report. Every time Ive reported something wrong in SS, they dont TELL me to report a violation, but just signpost me to it without saying if what Ive reported to them is a violation. Then, theres no way of then knowing what action, if any has been taken.

Perhaps SS should keep open cases until the apparent "violation" has been addressed or rejected. Amazon need more effective case management processes and the system were given to manage them needs to be improved, so that cases close when we close it, not just after 5 days. And if the issue doesent get fixed, the case doesent get closed.

Also, if we report a violation to SS, they should put some frigging work in and just address it, not signpost us away from them to a non-entity who may or may not actually act.

user profile

How about a non-exhaustive list of exactly what Amazon considers a violation, how were meant to report it, and what we can do to track the progress of that report. Every time Ive reported something wrong in SS, they dont TELL me to report a violation, but just signpost me to it without saying if what Ive reported to them is a violation. Then, theres no way of then knowing what action, if any has been taken.

Perhaps SS should keep open cases until the apparent "violation" has been addressed or rejected. Amazon need more effective case management processes and the system were given to manage them needs to be improved, so that cases close when we close it, not just after 5 days. And if the issue doesent get fixed, the case doesent get closed.

Also, if we report a violation to SS, they should put some frigging work in and just address it, not signpost us away from them to a non-entity who may or may not actually act.


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