Read onlyI always use buy shipping. Tracking number is always updated automatically by amazon.
I got the product category at risk of suspension. Ran a report and amazon report is showing the wrong tracking number. The tracking number on the shipped order page is different from the one coming up in the amazon report.
One order is showing twice in the report and is counting as 2.
How do we fix this?
Can mods help? Please?
I got the product category at risk of suspension. Ran a report and amazon report is showing the wrong tracking number. The tracking number on the shipped order page is different from the one coming up in the amazon report.
Thank you for the information regarding the issues you have observed with your valid tracking rate. I understand you were utilizing buy shipping, and have observed a discrepancy in the details which has caused the warning in the metric. Have you attempted to open a case into this concern? Would you be able to share the details so we may further review the situation?
From the information provided, the issue will be with a specific category that has slipped under the requirement of 95%. This will not mean that the category is automatically restricted, but we will encourage you to monitor and take action if requested from you. We encourage you to provide more information on your situation to this thread so we can gain a better understanding and provide guidance.