Read onlyWonder if I could pick your brains, I had an email informing me my AGL Merchant Self-Billing Invoice was available to view in seller central. I've not noticed this report before so I checked it out a bit confused. I ran the order number of one of the products on this invoice and its from a 'buyer' that's ordered nearly 200 of my items previously, and it looks as thought the buyer IS Amazon. I'm confused, do Amazon buy products from sellers on their platform? Why would they do so? Thanks!
Amazon sometimes buys products to sell in markets where the seller doesn't operate/have a delivery solution. Amazon has the logistics in place so deals with that and any tax/vat/customs implications if necessary.
On the plus side you make a few extra sales, on the negative side it could be seen as Amazon testing the size of the market before deciding whether to move in itself.
Hello @Seller_muWGPv0Y6PgOb,
I'm Sarah with Amazon.
Have you checked if you have enabled the option which allows Amazon to buy your products?
I'm sharing with you some threads where other Sellers have shared their insights regarding this topic:
How can we disable 'Amazon Business EU SARL' as a buyer from us? Or shouldn't we?
Why is Amazon buying my stock?
Kind regard,