Read onlyWir versuchen seit Wochen das Konto frei zu bekommen.
Es werden eine Rechnung des Stromversorgers mit Datum und eine Gewerbeanmeldung gefordert. Die haben wir mehrfach gemäß der Richtlinien hochgeladen. Immer wieder bekommen wir die gleiche Standardmail die uns erklärt, dass es abgelehnt wurde und was wir hochladen sollen.
Genau das laden wir auch immer hoch. Neulich hatte ich ein Telefonat mit einer Mitarbeiterin und auch sie sagte sie verstehe das nicht. Alles würde passen und sie bespricht den Fall und ruft zurück. Hat sie am nächsten Tag auch getan. Leider war ich in einem Termin und habe das verpasst. Ergebnis: Wieder die gleiche Mail.
Was können wir noch tun?
"We've been trying to clear the account for weeks.
A bill from the electricity supplier with a date and a business registration are required. We uploaded them several times in accordance with the guidelines. We keep getting the same standard email telling us that it was rejected and what we should upload.
That's exactly what we always upload. I recently had a phone call with an employee and she also said she didn't understand it. Everything would be fine and she discusses the case and calls back. She did the same the next day. Unfortunately I was in an appointment and missed it. Result: The same email again.
What else can we do?"
As this is the UK sellers' forum please post in English or try the Amazon Germany forum.
Have Amazon told you why your documents were rejected?
Have you tried uploading a different utility bill?
Keep on at Seller Support
Hello @Seller_v9OdVFr81Mx9e
Following on your post. For your inquiry, in general our system is very sensitive, because of this, we recommend for the information provided needs to match with the information that is showing on your account.
Also as peer seller mentioned, if this is related to DE marketplace, our advice will be for you to reach out direct forums, to assure direct and correct information to your current scenario.
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.