Read onlyI'm trying to book a pallet in and my items (500 items, 32 SKUs) are being placed straight onto the pallet as they are sturdy enough to go on without going in boxes. I've tried three times to book it in but cannot do so without it asking me to fill in an Excel spreadsheet that wants me to fill in 500 lines of text about each item and which "box" each item is in. It seems impossible to simply book the pallet in with the pre-selected SKUs & quantities, as we used to a few years ago? Any help would be much appreciated!
Hello @Seller_6xGvqwUlcWgvO
Thank you for bringing this up. While I can't comment or provide you direct recommendations on how to handle different the shipment process. I appreciate you inviting others to share their experiences and perspectives - that kind of open dialogue can be very helpful in working through these types of processes.
Here are some links related to the topic, it may help/guide other seller to understand shipment process:
Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.