Hello, Customer raised a AtoZ claim with below comments. I am pasting from the claim directly:
Customer comments: Fehlt etwas? Nein. Möchten Sie den Artikel zurückgeben? Ja. Ist irgendetwas beschädigt? Nein. Können Sie weitere Details angeben? Der Artikel entspricht nicht meinen Erwartungen. Bitte beschreiben Sie das Problem Ich bin mit meiner personaliserten Bestellung unzufrieden. Ursachencode: DAMAGED_OR_DEFECTIVE
For some reason, he choosed damaged, while its clearly there isnt any such issue. He just want to return it. Anyway, amazon is auto refund ofcourse without asking anything to seller. Now I am trying to reach out to buyer and i sent 4 messages with return label and ofcourse he is not replying. Why he should bother with return since he has the full refund ?! Anyway, I reached out to seller support and they told me that, raise a SAFE-T claim. But when i tried that, it says you are not eligible for this, because my customer in Germany and my shipping point is in UK. Then i reached out again to customer support and they told me that, i need to get in contact with customer to arrange the return. But i did and he is not answering for days, after 4 messages.
So does this mean, if i send something to Germany, they can just randomly raise a AtoZ and get their money back and keep the item without any issue, since i cant raise a Safe-T ?
Order id : 305-2057731-8747543