Our store is new on Amazon, we have been selling for only 1 week and we sell via FBA method. However, this is the second time we have encountered a technical error. Our store suddenly loses its buybox eligibility.
For example, today we made 8 sales and suddenly we saw that we lost the buybox on the products. We have 58 active ASINs and all of these ASINs say: ''Currently, you're not eligible to be the Featured Offer for this product.''
I said that our store is new. Also, there is no account health error, we do not have any customer complaints, negative feedback, etc. that will negatively affect the buybox. Our buybox does not drop, it is completely removed.
This situation is terribly annoying for us, because it is the second time we have encountered it. The first one was fixed on its own. Even if this one is fixed on its own, we are worried that it will happen again.
We are waiting for help to solve the problem we are experiencing, it seems that this is not our mistake, it is a technical problem. We cannot sell in this situation, please help.

Best regards.