Read onlyCan anyone please help with this. I have never used uploads for listing, I have no idea how. I don't sell loads on Amazon, I only have a few listings so everything is always done by the add product tool and I fill all the boxes in.
I've opened many support tickets for this the last week or so and no one answers my question, they just tell me how to create a new variation or a new product which isn't what I'm asking!
My parent ASIN has become detached from the Child asins. I've also noticed if I go into the Parent one it says 'number of items' as a variant as opposed to 'colour' which is what it was originally set as! Its a dog treat pouch with various colours.
All I want to know is how to reattach the child listings to the parent so it looks how it looked a week ago. I didn't change anything, this just happened.
My latest support ticket is 10736739332 if anyone from Amazon can help, if not if anyone knows how to change them please tell me - they're nearly all out of stock and I need to send inventory into FBA for them but holding off til this mess is sorted. I also have a new colour to add, again haven't done that yet because of all of this! Thanks in advance
If you go to My Inventory and find the Parent ASIN, then copy the ASIN and go to Variation Wizard
Search for the Parent ASIN. On the next page you can see what Child ASINs are in that Parent. From that page you can Edit, Add Variation and Download a Template to Edit and Upload.