Read onlyHi,
We urgently need help with our Buy Box issue. We are the only seller of our products and own the brand, but we have lost the Buy Box for several weeks now. This is very important for our business.
Case ID 10379348712
We don’t know why we still don’t have the Buy Box, so we would appreciate your guidance on how to fix this. Please do not send a generic response about regaining the Buy Box; we need specific help for our situation.
Thank you!
We are all just other sellers, not Amazon employees, and so have nothing to do with the allocation of the Buy Box - it is all done by Amazon's algorithms. The generic responses will be what you receive from Seller Support.
A forum mod @Spencer_Amazonwas supposed to be looking in to this months ago, as it affected many sellers, but as far as I know there has never been any update or feedback.