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Disbursement Issue with Amazon UK Account

by Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1

Hey everyone,

We haven't received any payments from our Amazon UK Seller Account since 14/05/2023, and now we've got over 10K GBP just sitting there. This money is really important for us to keep things running smoothly.

Our account is in good standing—no flags, no violations, no outstanding claims or chargebacks. Our account health is great, and we've never had any A-Z claims opened against us.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any tips on how to get this sorted quickly? We're desperate to get this resolved and would really appreciate any advice or guidance.

Thank you for your comments!

Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1’s post

Hello @Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1,

This is Sarah with Amazon.

I see that you created a new thread regarding this topic.

I will be closing this thread as a duplicate of UK - Disbursement Issue

Kind regards,


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