Read onlyAmazon are charging me fees and I am on handmade. I have not sold for years there and they say I owe £810 in subscription fees. I was never subscribed to pay fees. I have not used the account for years and have no active listings. I received an email at my old email address stating a refund of fees has been declined as I have used 'benefits and tools' This is not possible I have never had any subscription fees when I was actively selling. I think Amazon somehow switched my account over, I am extremely uset and stressed, cannot pay any money and completely disillusioned with Amazon Handmade!
Click on the cog at top right of your Amazon homepage to access settings: check manage your services and check you are registered for handmade on Amazon.
Scroll up and click the cog again and at the bottom is handmade hub, you might help from the handmade team?
There used to be a dedicated team who just deal with handmade problems (often based in Ireland) Haven't contacted them in a while but they were always good and solved most problems I had.
Hope this helps
You are only eligible for the handmade community on a rolling 30day period, if you have no listings in handmade for 30 days I believe they remove you from it, from there you will switch to the standard amazon business account where your being charged £30 / month to have active. so all your fees are probably monthly charges for your account.
It's a glitch on their part. You just haven't noticed and charges accumulated. If you email them, they will Waive the charges.