How to Request a Bin Check of FBA Inventory
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How to Request a Bin Check of FBA Inventory

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

One customer's feedback that appears to be written in haste and with grammatical and spelling errors, that to the best of my interpretation stated that the package didn't arrive on time, triggered an expired product bot on account health.

Now, I am in need of a bin check for the ASIN from the FBA team as part of my appeal of the "violation". I do not maintain much inventory on this ASIN, so it should be fairly simple.

I reached out to seller support, but it does not appear as though they are understanding my request, and are simply stating that the ASIN is expired, when my records clearly show that there is at least over a year on the best by date.

@Connor_Amazonor any other mods, can you assist?

The case ID is ID 15616954371.

Thank you!

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Update for July 14th, seller support claimed they can not do a bin check, as there is an open removal order. There are 2 units that have been on a removal order for over three months, but there are 250 units in "available" status on FBA. I have requested that seller support do a bin check on these 250 units.

Please, any mods, can you help?

I do not want to "take responsibility and acknowledge" what is an incorrect accusation. The appeal process severely limits how to respond, with nested responses that do not cover the real situation.

Our sell through is about 6 weeks on inventory, and the last three FBA shipments do not carry an expiration until late in 2025. They are clearly not expired, and it is not fair that my only action to appeal is to accept that we violated a policy, when we did not.

Mods, can you help either have the FBA team perform a bin check on the available inventory, or can you suggest a means to appeal the case that does not involve the account health pathway, which does not allow one to present objective facts such as the FBA shipment ID's, pictures of units, and other facts that show that all products sent in that are available for sale are not expired or close to expiring?

Thank you so much for your help. There is some urgency here, as I fear that my ASIN will be listed soon if I do not respond.

Also, I think that false accusations such as this would be greatly assisted if a customer would take a picture of the "expired" products when requesting their refund. This would serve the purpose of both dissuading the unscrupulous customers, and provide more objective data for sellers to review. As it stands now, a customer can make any statement, whether truthful or erroneous, and the blame is automatically placed on the seller. This is clearly not the best system to improve the actual process, as, while there are a myriad of potential issues for these types of claims, including customer dishonesty, there can be issues that sellers can also improve upon. For instance, perhaps the best by code is confusing, and sellers could improve upon that.

Unfortunately, in the environment of fear, immediate blame, and a very limited judicial process, it is unlikely that the situation will actually improve.

Have a great day and thank you


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go to performance --> account health ---> voice of customer for problem ASIN Find customer ID's related to issue

grab 1-2 order Id's request a bin check through manage support cases - FBA-related

"Hi Seller support team,

I'd like to request a bin check for ASIN ___ for expired product claims

Here are order ID's related to the issue:


Good luck

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Good luck. The last few times I've requested bin checks I get some inaccurate excuse as to why it can't be performed and end up having to recall the inventory just to turn around and send it straight back in after verifying the reason I needed to request the bin check in the first place was wrong.

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Don't go by ASIN. Go by FNSKU. State you want to confirm the expiration date of units. If they state there are no units available, go to fullfillment reports > inventory ledger. Search by FNSKU, Daily Summary and find which FC has available units. Give them that FC code to do a bin check on for that fnsku

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