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Can Not Reactivate Account Because Of Outstanding Bill (But Bill Has Been Paid)

by Seller_s8z54gUK4gSuw


My account has been deactivated because I did not use it for 10 years and there was a balance due.

I added a credit card to my account and paid the bill. I can see in my seller central account the bill has been paid but still unable to reactivate my account.

I contacted support and they advised me to email the balance team, which I did and I got a message in my Performance Notifications saying the bill was paid and the issue is now resolved.

But I still can not activate my account. When I phone amazon support they keep saying there is a bill due, But I have proof its been paid.

  1. I have emailed the balance team again and got an auto reply message to say they don't accept emails (Even though I emailed them and they replied the week before)
  2. I submitted this information in my appeal, included all the information with screenshots, but my appeal gets rejected with no information

Any ideas what I can do?

Tags: Deactivated
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