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Is this normal? New FBA Fees

by Seller_YUakS29fOXogL

Hi everyone.

Woke up this morning to the new FBA fees increases.

Package Dimensions| 32.21 x 29.49 x 10.31 cm
Package Weight| 0.69 kg

And Fees are £5.38???

Is this normal? How do you expect us to sell and make some profit?

Tags: Fees
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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post

you need to check the new rates table as they are now calculating weight tier v dimension weight

that seems right i think - 32.21 x 29.49 x 10.31 divided by 5000 = 1.95kg -
and therefore now a Standard parcel ≤ 2.9 kg as the dimensional weight is larger than the product weight

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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post


I woke up to the same this morning.

I missed this statement which might apply to you:

"To determine the weight tier of the product, we will use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight. The dimensional weight in kilograms is calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000. "

I have products that weigh 300 grams but due to the new system are weighing “dimensionally” at 1.3kg.

It’s a backwards system in my opinion, rigged to get the biggest FBA fee out of you.

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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post

Hi, we have spent many years creating a range of great value homeware items. As a result of this they are mostly light and mostly standard sized but now over two thirds of them fall in to the this significant jump in fulfillment prices as their dimensional weight is high, up circa +£2-3 a unit in fulfillment fees, which is of course all of our margin on our own brand goods (and more).

To claw back to where we were late February we are having to add on £3-4.50 a unit on to our sale price, its incredible, just to get back where we were a week ago ((due to Amazon taking 15% and the VAT man 20% and rise in sotrage fees too we cannot just add the exact fee increase figure of course.

When our goods range from under £10 and upwards this is a HUGE rise for consumers.
we have our current price on Left and then Target Price we would need to reach to get margins cash and % back to where we were a week ago. It is just not achievable. Some are up 40%+



This new fee hike unfairly hits certain businesses, like ours and has destroyed a business model overnight built over many years.

Is anybody else feeling this?

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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post

It is normal…everywhere else in the world. Volumetric weight has been a standard for many years for shipping and storage. It appears the only people in the world that didn’t use it were Amazon; well, now they do. Couriers have used volumetric weight for shipping calculations for eons and with good reason. The giant teddy bear that weighs 2kg but has an enormous box takes up far more space in a van or a warehouse than the Encyclopedia Britannica, which also weighs 2kg but is a fraction of the size. You can store 200 Britannica’s in the same space as 20 teddies.

It’s a shock to the system; of course it is. However, it was announced weeks ago.

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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post

We were already selling a third of our products at a loss. The volumetric weight price jump from these two tiers has caught us out and I imagine a massive chunk of products on Amazon. Its an almost overnight fee hike for units we carry 9-18 months of from import. The undesired effect is some hard months on small businesses and consumers at an already difficult time.

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In reply to: Seller_YUakS29fOXogL’s post

Yeah it’s tough. We are working with our suppliers to see how we can better pack our products to make the packaging more compact

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