Read onlyAnyone have any advice / experience on managing stock levels to automate it over different channels? I have heard veeqo is good, but do you have to buy postage through it, as i wanted to keep it through my royal mail business post due to discounts received. Is nembol, cloud commerce any good, or can i do this through veeqo?
With Veeqo you have to buy postage through them to qualify for the free inventory management. You don't have to buy every postage label through them just a certain percentage.
You can link your Royal Mail account to Veeqo and use that so it could be an option.
When I was looking last year for stock management system I did look at Veeqo but buying postage through them put me off. I couldn't see a way of paying for the inventory management system if you didn't want to buy postage through them.
I personally use M2EPro for my stock management and synching stock between ebay and Amazon but that does require you to have a Magento Website in order to use their functionality.
I did look at Nembol but I wasn't happy with the way they handled variation listings, it didn't really work very well for me.
depends on your budget and medium term plans - but khaos contol is a product that handles all parts of your business - from purchasing, sales/stock, shipping and accounts.
I have a website based on woocommerce and use the plugins from WPLabs (WPLister for ebay and amazon) which I like. They do not tie you to using any specific courier or anything - just an annual subscription.
WPLister not only keeps stock in synch but can be used to create listings on ebay and amazon. So I create a central listing on my website and can use it to create listings on ebay or create/find corresponding product on amazon.
TBH - I dont like using it to create listings on Amazon. With the myriad of attributes Amazon now expect for a product that seem to constantly change I find it easier using the Amazon Seller Central interface to create listing then just link it back to my product on website. But if the product is already in the Amazon catalog it is just a few clicks to link your product to it and add your offer to the listing.
Support for the products is excellent. I often get a response in under 24 hours. And its from a human who actually understands and can help - not some AI or badly trained support person who just copy and paste a reply (take note amazon).
The 2 plugins have a yearly subscription of approx £250 for both, then you just need a website hosting service which vary in price but you should be able find one for approx £20 per month. Obviously you will then need someone to create the website. I did mine myself - its not too difficult.
Woocommerce has hundreds of plugins to help and you pick and choose which ones best for you. It is open source so there are many developers and resources out there to help.
Having a central website into which orders flow and stock synched across all channels makes doing accounts much easier as I can just look at one place to see my total sales.
Just a heads up although veqoo state they want you to buy postage through them as mentioned you can link your rm account or just keep using click and drop.(the system just has the sales as pending for a bit but does the stock control side of things) The sytem is fine but you have to link all the products manually and unless your doing all the listing on amazon the amazon namesrarely match what you have for the product on other site.
We currently have 1500-2000 listing on amazon/etsy and ebay and the same on our own website which is not currently covered (woocommerce been in"beta testing" with them since we stared using it and was one of the reasons we choose veqoo.
There are more features that we have not looked at yet such as reordering when stock gets low etcbut for that you need to put all your suppliers in (not such a great idea as the software is ow owned by amazon itself).
Pros - its free at point of sale at the moment and anything else you lookat is quoting £140+ per month and does way too much.
Pros - When new tock comes in you just enter it in veqoo and it does the rest onto all sites (exception being etsy if you go out of stock you need to manually reactivate the listing)
Cons its now owned and developed by amazon cant see them expanding to much as it goes against the selling on amazon ethos.
Cons - more specifically to us we sell a lot of fabric and sell it by the 1/4m 1/2m and m which vqoo cant seem to handle but that may be more our specific problem than a general one.
Cons - once you have set it all up which will take a lot of hours if amazon decide to go the paid route your caught there
Not true - WPLister to link a woocommerce site to Amazon and eBay will only cost approx £20 per month. OK other markets like etsy will have to be done via a different plugin. Ive not looked as I not have a etsy account but I wouldnt be surprised to find there is a plugin that could do that. I know there is a woocommerce plugin for TikTok.
Also, you can have different names on woocommerce site from your Amazon one as it links via the ASIN. You can either search Amazon from the plugin on EAN/Name - and choose your match. Or find the product on Amazon and copy over the ASIN yourself. I believe if you have kept SKU the same on Amazon and woocommerce you can also just Import and then the link is created for you.
Hello @Seller_gx5cHxiEPpOcC,
Apologies for the delayed response.
Within the UK currently, you can connect your Royal Mail account to ship with Veeqo.
You also have the option to use Buy Shipping for Amazon orders. We advise keeping with Buy Shipping to satisfy VTR, however as long as the correct service is used and tracking then you should be good 😀
Please reach out if you have more questions,