We've noticed you have recently sent a Critical Message via the Buyer Seller Messaging Platform using [Important] in the subject line.
If you continue to send Critical Messages after 04-25-2025 they will be subject to Buyer's opt-out preferences and may not be delivered.
The recommended alternative for Critical Messaging is to use one of our templates found on the Contact Buyer Page in Seller Central or via API in order to proactively communicate with your customers.
Kind regards,
= =
Amazon making it even more difficult again to contact THEIR customers!
It would be great if the government could clarify, if the customer is Amazon's, then fair enough, and that means no legal liability from us as Sellers, as Amazon would be our customer. However, if we are still supposed to look after the end-user Buyer as being the customer of the SELLER, then there should be no reason why we cannot contact them with important matters.
I understand no marketing messages. Most Buyers have never opted out of important messages, Amazon automatically opts them out as if it is Marketing.
Amazon want Sellers to resolve issues for Buyers, eg a new manual required, how to return an item, etc. Then stops the Seller helping that Buyer. If Amazon really wanted the best for the Buyer, then they need to alter many policies, including this one.
Any thoughts?
Hi DigitelTechnologyLtd,
Perhaps an automated system could inform the Seller when the Buyer is not receving messages...
All Best
Horrendous decision if Amazon haven't fixed how limited the templates are in Contact Buyer Page, and more importantly notify the customer they have a message.
Adding [Important] tag was the only way we could guarantee the users would at least be notified we tried to contact them.
Before that tag we would frequently have customers reach out to us with normal/basic requests, we would reply, but the customer would never know because they opted out of non-critical messages and/or didn't know to check Amazon message center in their app which then resulted in negative reviews based on bad communication because Amazon's messaging platform is not fit for purpose.
@Maja_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Julia_Amzn @Winston_Amazon @Ash_AMZ @Spencer_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Abella_AMZ @Ange_Amazon @JiAlex_Amazon
So Amazon are now going to remove the ability for Sellers to reach out to customers using the [IMPORTANT] ? Great! Well done Amazon.
Customers are grateful when we have managed to contact them to confirm something, eg, they haven't told us their Fabric choice, address details, wrong telephone number etc.
Does this mean we have to now send letters to a customer to clarify something via a Royal Mail letter?
How is all this supposed to make buying on Amazon a smoother, faster experience for customers??!
A reply from a moderator would be welcome,
I just got this email after I emailed customers who bought the incense that had the title changed by some crazy bots. As the pack doesn't contain 100 sticks as stated by the crazy bot, I had to write to inform the customers that if they think they are buying a box of 100 sticks for £3, they are not going to get it.
Descriptions and titles are changed very often and as we are not warned, I only find out when someone buys the item. I need to be able to message customers with the important tag. Unless the crazy bots stop messing with my listings.