Read onlyI have been having issues with amazon seller support when trying to investigate missing items from inbound. I have had two shipments that have had missing items that have not been resolved. Trying to speak to the seller support is absolutely ridiculous and im getting nowhere. They reply with the same response, not reading what im sending as evidence. They ask for proof that iv already sent in on the case. They dont understand a lot of what im trying to explain to them and they end up closing the cases.
i have 21 items that are missing from two shipments and one of them which had 19 items in the shipment missing just said investigation comlpete, i had no option to research the missing items. I had to open a case for this and they said the same thing, then closed the case. I know what i sent to FBA and the items were definitely lost by Amazon, i should be reimbursed for these as I have sent extensive proof of what i sent, following the guidelines from Amazon.
Can anyone help with trying to investigate this please? Im getting nowhere with seller support.
If they say they have done an investigation you will not get reimbursed. We all know that the investigation is not done. Sometimes I send in a case of 6 items and they complete an investigation telling me I sent 7 but 99% of the time it is items missing.
Seller Support will send you around in circles until you want to scratch your eyeballs out.
Every shipment I send in has a few items missing that I can't reclaim.
It is disgraceful.
Hello @Seller_l8iNtVmvUQVUD,
Here Simon from Amazon, happy to try and help.
Would you mind sharing the Shipment IDs?
I'll see what I can do.