Singularity - Beware


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Singularity - Beware

Beware of singularity

We used them to apply and fill our VAT via amazon.

They lied to us countless time, between saying the UK vat number was succesfully applied ( we later realized they never applied for it, then completely missed deadlines to address one deficiency, resulting in our account being suspended in the UK)

We applied for the UK vat number on our own... we got it, and removed the suspension on our account... then they told us they would fill the VAT in the UK... they completely missed all deadlines... resulting in us having to pay fines.

Back in June 2024, we notified them that they seemingly failed to fill many jurisdiction...

In july 2024 we were notified by amazon that singularity would stop providing service for us because ... no reason. We contacted singularity, they said nothing was wrong, and we should IGNORE amazon message which was automatic...

Great, now it's August... and singularity sent us a letter from the german VAT office saying we failed to submit any vat for 2024 Q1 and 2024 Q2, hence they will block our VAT number in 8 days...

We contact singularity... and now they pretend that AMAZON asked them to not fill anything from last year onward... since 1st November 2023, saying that our account is " Deemed as being fraudulent" .

Singularity now says that they won't fill anything... despite saying that they were filling stuff... in the meantime we made various payments regarding the german VAT... which is weird considering that they never filled anything....

Singularity is , from our standpoint, a complete FRAUD.

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Tags:Tax documents, Taxes
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If any amazon employee could help with case ID : 10094258142

The tax provider which was appointed by you, failed to properly do their job. and now blame you by email and state some nonsensical explanations, we just want them to correct their mess.

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I can only confirm everything from this review. Singularity is virtual service, in fact no service at all. Since March 2023 they did not submit even single VAT return to German tax office. They didn’t contact tax office at all after receiving tax office demands to submit filings. Instead of contacting tax office they have resent to us all tax office correspondence with ridiculous comment, that it is owner responsibility to submit VAT returns in due time!!!

Last affair was, that they resent tax office demand to submit VAT return for July. Letter dated July 31, deadline for submitting filings 2 weeks, but Singularity resent it to us 3 days ago. They again did not take any action and didn’t even plan to take any. Their comment was again, that if we!!! Do not submit filings in due time, we will face financial fines from tax office.

They agreed to make annual VAT report for extra charge and under the condition, that we provide evidence, that we paid invoices issued by Singularity in the past.

2 months earlier they received tax office demand to submit all outstanding VAT returns for whole period since our VAT registration. Deadline was 7 days. They resent letters again to us and did not contact tax office at all to negotiate longer term for submitting filings. We asked them immediately when they will submit filings and why they did not contact tax authorities. They ignored our question regarding filings and replied, that they will not contact tax office, but instead we must contact Avalara, who is the first hand to make VAT return drafts.

As a result of their negligence our Amazon account was deactivated July 24 by tax office based on German fiscal code. We lost since that time almost 100.000 euro sales and our company is in huge financial crisis facing insolvency in short time.

Despite of this top urgent and important issue, Singularity didn’t take any action with tax office to propose specific date for documents submission and to negotiate account reactivation.

Whatever we asked in the past, what was concerning their service was always ignored and their standard reply time was around 30 days. When they finally replied, they always asked to pay extra for any service, despite being paid every month. They do not consider service fee as any obligation to provide services, but as fee to have opportunity to be their customer.

The most lousy service we have ever experienced. They are totally unreliable in any terms. The are perfect in issuing invoices and in marketing of their services. They spend a fortune on PR campaigns concerning genius owner Marko Kaiser and his brilliant ideas about the prosperous future of his company.

Facts are not brilliant, Singularity services are below any standard, or better to say they don’t provide any services. Singularity structure is built in a way allowing to avoid any financial liability.

2 companies under one name with different legal form, UG and GmbH, documents in one contract signed by both companies, office and most probably also finance in Dubai, another company with large debt in UK, also LTD company in Poland. Owner involved in liquidation of his other company. The same management names in all businesses.

Singularity has no competence to act in VAT taxation business and should be banned by finance authorities.


Be also very careful when looking for other tax agent. Singularity partner is Avalara, the same level of service below any standards.

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