Read onlyBonjour à tous.
Nous sommes nouveaux sur Amazon et nous ne savons pas comment procéder. Nous serions ravis de recevoir vos conseils.
Nous avons envoyé nos produits à Amazon via le transporteur recommandé, UPS. Lors de la réception, deux unités de produits ont disparu. Amazon nous demande maintenant de fournir la facture d'achat de ces produits pour calculer le montant du remboursement. Cependant, nous sommes les fabricants du produit et nous n'avons pas une seule facture. Nous achetons des composants, assemblons le produit, l'emballons et l'envoyons pour la vente. Notre produit a au moins quatre composantes dans son coût, mais Amazon demande de fournir une seule facture.
Comment devons-nous procéder dans ce cas, et que devons-nous leur fournir?
Bien a vous
"Hello everyone.
We are new to Amazon and don't know how to do this. We would be delighted to receive your advice.
We sent our products to Amazon via the registered carrier, UPS. Upon receipt, two units of product disappeared. Amazon now requires us to provide the purchase invoice for these products to calculate the refund amount. However, we are the manufacturers of the product and we do not have a single invoice. We purchase components, assemble the product, package it and send it for sale. Our product has at least four components in its cost, but Amazon asks to provide only one invoice.
How should we proceed in this case, and what should we provide them?"
As this is the UK forum please post in English.
If they do not understand that you are the manufacturer, create an invoice from yourself to yourself - mad I know but that's what they want.
Hello @Seller_61A1oFG8bpRUg
Thank you for posting in the UK Forums.
As this is the UK Seller Forums, the official language is English.
We encourage you to create a new thread in English so other sellers can engage with you.
Therefore, I am closing this thread.
Regards, Spencer