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Share Your Feedback on the Feedback Manager

Hello Sellers!

We're always working to improve our products and services, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us do that. We'd like to hear your thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the Feedback Manager.

Please share your experiences, both positive and negative, with using the Feedback Manager. If you have specific examples of situations where the Feedback Manager worked well or could be improved, we'd love to hear about those too.

Some questions to consider:

• How easy or difficult is it to navigate and use the Feedback Manager interface?

• Does the Feedback Manager provide you with the information and tools you need to effectively manage feedback?

• What features or capabilities would you like to see added or improved?

• Are there any areas where the performance or reliability of the Feedback Manager could be better?

Don't hold back – we want to hear your honest feedback, whether it's praise for what's working well or constructive criticism about areas that need improvement.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your input will help us prioritize future updates and enhancements to make the Feedback Manager even better.

Special thanks to @Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP for working with me on the idea for this post! 🤗

Kind regards,


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Tags:Engage with Amazon
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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Feedback left for wrong seller is nigh impossible to have removed by AI or by human intervention.

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Don't hold back
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You will wish you never said that as feedback issues and A - Z decisions are the pet hates for most sellers.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Yes, definitely need to have the ability to have feedback removed that is obviously left for the wrong seller, and especially if it is for an item that we do not even sell !

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon thanks for your help with my feedback removal. Here are my suggestions:

1) Amazon has 4 prerequisites for feedback removal however the most important prerequisite is not on that list, this is that the feedback should be accurate or correct, for example I have had feedback for products I don’t sell, also for items being late when delivered within the timeframe, also feedback for other sellers.

2) when customers use the help page to remove feedback many give up as the help page takes them to open orders page and they cannot locate the order, I actually went through the removal process myself after customers complained that they couldn’t locate the feedback, if you have not got the knowledge of how to do it it is complicated.

3) when a customer is happy with the transaction it is rare they leave feedback praising the service, when a customer is not happy then they will definitely leave feedback. I would suggest that if feedback is not left after 1 month then the transaction automatically gets a 5 star rating which can be changed by the customer, Amazon could even send an automated message to the customer asking them if they are happy with the rating.

4) the 1% margin of error is unfair when feedback is subject to so many errors, a seller’s metrics could be effected for feedback left in error. Many customers know that feedback has a big effect on sellers and many use feedback as a tool to commit fraud. I have researched the pros and cons of selling on Amazon, I wanted to know after several bad selling experiences how a buyer could scam me so I could take preventative measures against them. I Google searched “how to scam Amazon” there are pages of tutorials on how to cheat sellers using claims and feedback.

5) feedback manager is a waste of time, it is not fit for purpose. I usually call customer service and go through feedback manager whilst on the phone. 99% of the time it rejects the removal, I then write a detailed response as to why feedback is incorrect only for it to be rejected within seconds. I do have some success having incorrect feedback removed however it usually takes several days and hours of telephone calls and requests to speak to the supervisors. Many times this is not enough as well. Thankfully you were at hand to help this time ❤️.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I have had cases in the past where customers have left feedback on FBA orders being late etc. The tool has not automatically removed them, and Support has just copy and pasted that the feedback was a fair representation of the seller !!

I have also had product reviews many times left as feedback, and these are very hard to get removed.

Like others have said, feedback is used by customers to try to force a resolution, ie, I had one customer message me and say that she will leave bad feedback if I don't send her a second item free (reported to AMZ, who did nothing).

Positive feedback should automatically be left if the seller has not raised a return etc within a certain timeframe.

Better still scrap the feedback system all together. Do customers really look at it? I know I don't when I buy from AMZ yet I worry about mine being in the high 90's.

If you must have some kind of seller rating metric, base it around length of time, items sold, returns, AMZ claims etc and take it out of the hands of the customers who are fraudulent / don'#t know what they are doing

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

My biggest issue is the % shown bear no relation whatsoever to anything.

I'm currently at 100% positive... but 100% of what? Those who took the time to leave feedback...

It's a very random measure!!

Quality data would be more useful.

If you actually take the time to look at feedback a great deal of it is a product review / for the wrong seller / for an issue outside of the sellers control / things like "too small" etc... So it's of very little use to anyone.

Plus what all others have already said above...

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I really don't know what's the point in having seller feedback, other than punishing sellers for low performance of FBM.

If someone sells 100% via FBA, he will have 100% positive feedback, as any negative or neutral can be removed with 3 clicks - all orders are FBA hence every request will be auto-approved, feedback strike-through and comment "Amazon takes responsibility for this fulfillment-related experience" added.

Also seller feedback is not visible anywhere on the listing. Customer has to click on seller name under the Buy Box, barely anyone does it - I'm sure Amazon registers clicks in this section, I bet it's less than 1% listing visitors.

Above are the reasons why it doesn't serve its function.


1. Start showing seller feedback % next to seller name under Buy Box - to make it fair, only for FBM offers (as FBA will be 100%). This way you incentivize sellers delivering good FBM experience and warn customers if they deal with not-so-perfect FBM seller.

2. Create tools to remove unfair feedback i.e. left for other seller or product.

3. In my experience, at least half of seller feedback are actually product reviews. There should be possibility to transfer feedback to product review, or at least a button to ask customer to write product review if he left it as seller feedback.

4. This is simple: Seller reply. All decent review platforms offer possibility of replying to review, either positive or negative.

Customer questions & answers - removed (old ones are fairly hidden under search function).

Replies to product reviews - removed.

Replies to seller feedback - never existed.

We have no say, nowhere on the platform, no tools to defend from unfair customer nor "black hat" competition.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Removal of feedback can only be done via the feedback manager. Any other attempt can cause you account issues.

Often you only get 2 chances to ask for feedback removal via feedback manager. After your 2 chances the case is resolved and cannot be reopened again. As the first 2 chances are often AI responses rather than human it can be difficult to get a human to look at it to make a decision before the case is shut for good.

There are also issues with contacting customers who leave negative feedback. Sometimes you can't send them a message via feedback manager to try and resolve their issue, I am assuming this is because they have opted out of messages.

Customers can't easily remove feedback if they agree they have left it in error . There needs to be a better way of doing it.

As others say customers often leave feedback for the wrong seller which is impossible to get removed. If it is obviously for the wrong seller then the feedback should be removed.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

When false feedback is left by known scammers and Amazon auto remove the comment... leaving the negative rating is ridiculous , you already know it was false let harm your sellers yet again

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

less bots and more humans

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi Julia,

As other's have said.... we Sellers have to put up with a lot of nonsensical, automated answers but THE worst is:

'The zipper on this jumper fell off on first try' 1 Star.... when all the Amazon internal world (inc AI) can see, the order being reviewed is for a Notebook.

Clearly an error but this is deemed the customer's honest opinion and, we as Sellers, should send an unsolicited begging message for the customer to change their review.... highlighting they have done something silly... a low-percentage shot.

How is that good for the customer, seller or Amazon?

Every bad review is felt quite personally by Sellers so closing this one would help.

Thank you,

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Share Your Feedback on the Feedback Manager

Hello Sellers!

We're always working to improve our products and services, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us do that. We'd like to hear your thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the Feedback Manager.

Please share your experiences, both positive and negative, with using the Feedback Manager. If you have specific examples of situations where the Feedback Manager worked well or could be improved, we'd love to hear about those too.

Some questions to consider:

• How easy or difficult is it to navigate and use the Feedback Manager interface?

• Does the Feedback Manager provide you with the information and tools you need to effectively manage feedback?

• What features or capabilities would you like to see added or improved?

• Are there any areas where the performance or reliability of the Feedback Manager could be better?

Don't hold back – we want to hear your honest feedback, whether it's praise for what's working well or constructive criticism about areas that need improvement.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your input will help us prioritize future updates and enhancements to make the Feedback Manager even better.

Special thanks to @Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP for working with me on the idea for this post! 🤗

Kind regards,


29 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon
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Share Your Feedback on the Feedback Manager

by Julia_Amzn

Hello Sellers!

We're always working to improve our products and services, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us do that. We'd like to hear your thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the Feedback Manager.

Please share your experiences, both positive and negative, with using the Feedback Manager. If you have specific examples of situations where the Feedback Manager worked well or could be improved, we'd love to hear about those too.

Some questions to consider:

• How easy or difficult is it to navigate and use the Feedback Manager interface?

• Does the Feedback Manager provide you with the information and tools you need to effectively manage feedback?

• What features or capabilities would you like to see added or improved?

• Are there any areas where the performance or reliability of the Feedback Manager could be better?

Don't hold back – we want to hear your honest feedback, whether it's praise for what's working well or constructive criticism about areas that need improvement.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your input will help us prioritize future updates and enhancements to make the Feedback Manager even better.

Special thanks to @Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP for working with me on the idea for this post! 🤗

Kind regards,


Tags:Engage with Amazon
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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Feedback left for wrong seller is nigh impossible to have removed by AI or by human intervention.

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Don't hold back
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You will wish you never said that as feedback issues and A - Z decisions are the pet hates for most sellers.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Yes, definitely need to have the ability to have feedback removed that is obviously left for the wrong seller, and especially if it is for an item that we do not even sell !

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon thanks for your help with my feedback removal. Here are my suggestions:

1) Amazon has 4 prerequisites for feedback removal however the most important prerequisite is not on that list, this is that the feedback should be accurate or correct, for example I have had feedback for products I don’t sell, also for items being late when delivered within the timeframe, also feedback for other sellers.

2) when customers use the help page to remove feedback many give up as the help page takes them to open orders page and they cannot locate the order, I actually went through the removal process myself after customers complained that they couldn’t locate the feedback, if you have not got the knowledge of how to do it it is complicated.

3) when a customer is happy with the transaction it is rare they leave feedback praising the service, when a customer is not happy then they will definitely leave feedback. I would suggest that if feedback is not left after 1 month then the transaction automatically gets a 5 star rating which can be changed by the customer, Amazon could even send an automated message to the customer asking them if they are happy with the rating.

4) the 1% margin of error is unfair when feedback is subject to so many errors, a seller’s metrics could be effected for feedback left in error. Many customers know that feedback has a big effect on sellers and many use feedback as a tool to commit fraud. I have researched the pros and cons of selling on Amazon, I wanted to know after several bad selling experiences how a buyer could scam me so I could take preventative measures against them. I Google searched “how to scam Amazon” there are pages of tutorials on how to cheat sellers using claims and feedback.

5) feedback manager is a waste of time, it is not fit for purpose. I usually call customer service and go through feedback manager whilst on the phone. 99% of the time it rejects the removal, I then write a detailed response as to why feedback is incorrect only for it to be rejected within seconds. I do have some success having incorrect feedback removed however it usually takes several days and hours of telephone calls and requests to speak to the supervisors. Many times this is not enough as well. Thankfully you were at hand to help this time ❤️.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I have had cases in the past where customers have left feedback on FBA orders being late etc. The tool has not automatically removed them, and Support has just copy and pasted that the feedback was a fair representation of the seller !!

I have also had product reviews many times left as feedback, and these are very hard to get removed.

Like others have said, feedback is used by customers to try to force a resolution, ie, I had one customer message me and say that she will leave bad feedback if I don't send her a second item free (reported to AMZ, who did nothing).

Positive feedback should automatically be left if the seller has not raised a return etc within a certain timeframe.

Better still scrap the feedback system all together. Do customers really look at it? I know I don't when I buy from AMZ yet I worry about mine being in the high 90's.

If you must have some kind of seller rating metric, base it around length of time, items sold, returns, AMZ claims etc and take it out of the hands of the customers who are fraudulent / don'#t know what they are doing

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

My biggest issue is the % shown bear no relation whatsoever to anything.

I'm currently at 100% positive... but 100% of what? Those who took the time to leave feedback...

It's a very random measure!!

Quality data would be more useful.

If you actually take the time to look at feedback a great deal of it is a product review / for the wrong seller / for an issue outside of the sellers control / things like "too small" etc... So it's of very little use to anyone.

Plus what all others have already said above...

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I really don't know what's the point in having seller feedback, other than punishing sellers for low performance of FBM.

If someone sells 100% via FBA, he will have 100% positive feedback, as any negative or neutral can be removed with 3 clicks - all orders are FBA hence every request will be auto-approved, feedback strike-through and comment "Amazon takes responsibility for this fulfillment-related experience" added.

Also seller feedback is not visible anywhere on the listing. Customer has to click on seller name under the Buy Box, barely anyone does it - I'm sure Amazon registers clicks in this section, I bet it's less than 1% listing visitors.

Above are the reasons why it doesn't serve its function.


1. Start showing seller feedback % next to seller name under Buy Box - to make it fair, only for FBM offers (as FBA will be 100%). This way you incentivize sellers delivering good FBM experience and warn customers if they deal with not-so-perfect FBM seller.

2. Create tools to remove unfair feedback i.e. left for other seller or product.

3. In my experience, at least half of seller feedback are actually product reviews. There should be possibility to transfer feedback to product review, or at least a button to ask customer to write product review if he left it as seller feedback.

4. This is simple: Seller reply. All decent review platforms offer possibility of replying to review, either positive or negative.

Customer questions & answers - removed (old ones are fairly hidden under search function).

Replies to product reviews - removed.

Replies to seller feedback - never existed.

We have no say, nowhere on the platform, no tools to defend from unfair customer nor "black hat" competition.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Removal of feedback can only be done via the feedback manager. Any other attempt can cause you account issues.

Often you only get 2 chances to ask for feedback removal via feedback manager. After your 2 chances the case is resolved and cannot be reopened again. As the first 2 chances are often AI responses rather than human it can be difficult to get a human to look at it to make a decision before the case is shut for good.

There are also issues with contacting customers who leave negative feedback. Sometimes you can't send them a message via feedback manager to try and resolve their issue, I am assuming this is because they have opted out of messages.

Customers can't easily remove feedback if they agree they have left it in error . There needs to be a better way of doing it.

As others say customers often leave feedback for the wrong seller which is impossible to get removed. If it is obviously for the wrong seller then the feedback should be removed.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

When false feedback is left by known scammers and Amazon auto remove the comment... leaving the negative rating is ridiculous , you already know it was false let harm your sellers yet again

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

less bots and more humans

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi Julia,

As other's have said.... we Sellers have to put up with a lot of nonsensical, automated answers but THE worst is:

'The zipper on this jumper fell off on first try' 1 Star.... when all the Amazon internal world (inc AI) can see, the order being reviewed is for a Notebook.

Clearly an error but this is deemed the customer's honest opinion and, we as Sellers, should send an unsolicited begging message for the customer to change their review.... highlighting they have done something silly... a low-percentage shot.

How is that good for the customer, seller or Amazon?

Every bad review is felt quite personally by Sellers so closing this one would help.

Thank you,

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Feedback left for wrong seller is nigh impossible to have removed by AI or by human intervention.

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Don't hold back
View post

You will wish you never said that as feedback issues and A - Z decisions are the pet hates for most sellers.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Feedback left for wrong seller is nigh impossible to have removed by AI or by human intervention.

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Don't hold back
View post

You will wish you never said that as feedback issues and A - Z decisions are the pet hates for most sellers.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Yes, definitely need to have the ability to have feedback removed that is obviously left for the wrong seller, and especially if it is for an item that we do not even sell !

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Yes, definitely need to have the ability to have feedback removed that is obviously left for the wrong seller, and especially if it is for an item that we do not even sell !

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon thanks for your help with my feedback removal. Here are my suggestions:

1) Amazon has 4 prerequisites for feedback removal however the most important prerequisite is not on that list, this is that the feedback should be accurate or correct, for example I have had feedback for products I don’t sell, also for items being late when delivered within the timeframe, also feedback for other sellers.

2) when customers use the help page to remove feedback many give up as the help page takes them to open orders page and they cannot locate the order, I actually went through the removal process myself after customers complained that they couldn’t locate the feedback, if you have not got the knowledge of how to do it it is complicated.

3) when a customer is happy with the transaction it is rare they leave feedback praising the service, when a customer is not happy then they will definitely leave feedback. I would suggest that if feedback is not left after 1 month then the transaction automatically gets a 5 star rating which can be changed by the customer, Amazon could even send an automated message to the customer asking them if they are happy with the rating.

4) the 1% margin of error is unfair when feedback is subject to so many errors, a seller’s metrics could be effected for feedback left in error. Many customers know that feedback has a big effect on sellers and many use feedback as a tool to commit fraud. I have researched the pros and cons of selling on Amazon, I wanted to know after several bad selling experiences how a buyer could scam me so I could take preventative measures against them. I Google searched “how to scam Amazon” there are pages of tutorials on how to cheat sellers using claims and feedback.

5) feedback manager is a waste of time, it is not fit for purpose. I usually call customer service and go through feedback manager whilst on the phone. 99% of the time it rejects the removal, I then write a detailed response as to why feedback is incorrect only for it to be rejected within seconds. I do have some success having incorrect feedback removed however it usually takes several days and hours of telephone calls and requests to speak to the supervisors. Many times this is not enough as well. Thankfully you were at hand to help this time ❤️.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon thanks for your help with my feedback removal. Here are my suggestions:

1) Amazon has 4 prerequisites for feedback removal however the most important prerequisite is not on that list, this is that the feedback should be accurate or correct, for example I have had feedback for products I don’t sell, also for items being late when delivered within the timeframe, also feedback for other sellers.

2) when customers use the help page to remove feedback many give up as the help page takes them to open orders page and they cannot locate the order, I actually went through the removal process myself after customers complained that they couldn’t locate the feedback, if you have not got the knowledge of how to do it it is complicated.

3) when a customer is happy with the transaction it is rare they leave feedback praising the service, when a customer is not happy then they will definitely leave feedback. I would suggest that if feedback is not left after 1 month then the transaction automatically gets a 5 star rating which can be changed by the customer, Amazon could even send an automated message to the customer asking them if they are happy with the rating.

4) the 1% margin of error is unfair when feedback is subject to so many errors, a seller’s metrics could be effected for feedback left in error. Many customers know that feedback has a big effect on sellers and many use feedback as a tool to commit fraud. I have researched the pros and cons of selling on Amazon, I wanted to know after several bad selling experiences how a buyer could scam me so I could take preventative measures against them. I Google searched “how to scam Amazon” there are pages of tutorials on how to cheat sellers using claims and feedback.

5) feedback manager is a waste of time, it is not fit for purpose. I usually call customer service and go through feedback manager whilst on the phone. 99% of the time it rejects the removal, I then write a detailed response as to why feedback is incorrect only for it to be rejected within seconds. I do have some success having incorrect feedback removed however it usually takes several days and hours of telephone calls and requests to speak to the supervisors. Many times this is not enough as well. Thankfully you were at hand to help this time ❤️.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I have had cases in the past where customers have left feedback on FBA orders being late etc. The tool has not automatically removed them, and Support has just copy and pasted that the feedback was a fair representation of the seller !!

I have also had product reviews many times left as feedback, and these are very hard to get removed.

Like others have said, feedback is used by customers to try to force a resolution, ie, I had one customer message me and say that she will leave bad feedback if I don't send her a second item free (reported to AMZ, who did nothing).

Positive feedback should automatically be left if the seller has not raised a return etc within a certain timeframe.

Better still scrap the feedback system all together. Do customers really look at it? I know I don't when I buy from AMZ yet I worry about mine being in the high 90's.

If you must have some kind of seller rating metric, base it around length of time, items sold, returns, AMZ claims etc and take it out of the hands of the customers who are fraudulent / don'#t know what they are doing

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I have had cases in the past where customers have left feedback on FBA orders being late etc. The tool has not automatically removed them, and Support has just copy and pasted that the feedback was a fair representation of the seller !!

I have also had product reviews many times left as feedback, and these are very hard to get removed.

Like others have said, feedback is used by customers to try to force a resolution, ie, I had one customer message me and say that she will leave bad feedback if I don't send her a second item free (reported to AMZ, who did nothing).

Positive feedback should automatically be left if the seller has not raised a return etc within a certain timeframe.

Better still scrap the feedback system all together. Do customers really look at it? I know I don't when I buy from AMZ yet I worry about mine being in the high 90's.

If you must have some kind of seller rating metric, base it around length of time, items sold, returns, AMZ claims etc and take it out of the hands of the customers who are fraudulent / don'#t know what they are doing

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

My biggest issue is the % shown bear no relation whatsoever to anything.

I'm currently at 100% positive... but 100% of what? Those who took the time to leave feedback...

It's a very random measure!!

Quality data would be more useful.

If you actually take the time to look at feedback a great deal of it is a product review / for the wrong seller / for an issue outside of the sellers control / things like "too small" etc... So it's of very little use to anyone.

Plus what all others have already said above...

user profile
In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

My biggest issue is the % shown bear no relation whatsoever to anything.

I'm currently at 100% positive... but 100% of what? Those who took the time to leave feedback...

It's a very random measure!!

Quality data would be more useful.

If you actually take the time to look at feedback a great deal of it is a product review / for the wrong seller / for an issue outside of the sellers control / things like "too small" etc... So it's of very little use to anyone.

Plus what all others have already said above...

user profile
In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I really don't know what's the point in having seller feedback, other than punishing sellers for low performance of FBM.

If someone sells 100% via FBA, he will have 100% positive feedback, as any negative or neutral can be removed with 3 clicks - all orders are FBA hence every request will be auto-approved, feedback strike-through and comment "Amazon takes responsibility for this fulfillment-related experience" added.

Also seller feedback is not visible anywhere on the listing. Customer has to click on seller name under the Buy Box, barely anyone does it - I'm sure Amazon registers clicks in this section, I bet it's less than 1% listing visitors.

Above are the reasons why it doesn't serve its function.


1. Start showing seller feedback % next to seller name under Buy Box - to make it fair, only for FBM offers (as FBA will be 100%). This way you incentivize sellers delivering good FBM experience and warn customers if they deal with not-so-perfect FBM seller.

2. Create tools to remove unfair feedback i.e. left for other seller or product.

3. In my experience, at least half of seller feedback are actually product reviews. There should be possibility to transfer feedback to product review, or at least a button to ask customer to write product review if he left it as seller feedback.

4. This is simple: Seller reply. All decent review platforms offer possibility of replying to review, either positive or negative.

Customer questions & answers - removed (old ones are fairly hidden under search function).

Replies to product reviews - removed.

Replies to seller feedback - never existed.

We have no say, nowhere on the platform, no tools to defend from unfair customer nor "black hat" competition.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

I really don't know what's the point in having seller feedback, other than punishing sellers for low performance of FBM.

If someone sells 100% via FBA, he will have 100% positive feedback, as any negative or neutral can be removed with 3 clicks - all orders are FBA hence every request will be auto-approved, feedback strike-through and comment "Amazon takes responsibility for this fulfillment-related experience" added.

Also seller feedback is not visible anywhere on the listing. Customer has to click on seller name under the Buy Box, barely anyone does it - I'm sure Amazon registers clicks in this section, I bet it's less than 1% listing visitors.

Above are the reasons why it doesn't serve its function.


1. Start showing seller feedback % next to seller name under Buy Box - to make it fair, only for FBM offers (as FBA will be 100%). This way you incentivize sellers delivering good FBM experience and warn customers if they deal with not-so-perfect FBM seller.

2. Create tools to remove unfair feedback i.e. left for other seller or product.

3. In my experience, at least half of seller feedback are actually product reviews. There should be possibility to transfer feedback to product review, or at least a button to ask customer to write product review if he left it as seller feedback.

4. This is simple: Seller reply. All decent review platforms offer possibility of replying to review, either positive or negative.

Customer questions & answers - removed (old ones are fairly hidden under search function).

Replies to product reviews - removed.

Replies to seller feedback - never existed.

We have no say, nowhere on the platform, no tools to defend from unfair customer nor "black hat" competition.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Removal of feedback can only be done via the feedback manager. Any other attempt can cause you account issues.

Often you only get 2 chances to ask for feedback removal via feedback manager. After your 2 chances the case is resolved and cannot be reopened again. As the first 2 chances are often AI responses rather than human it can be difficult to get a human to look at it to make a decision before the case is shut for good.

There are also issues with contacting customers who leave negative feedback. Sometimes you can't send them a message via feedback manager to try and resolve their issue, I am assuming this is because they have opted out of messages.

Customers can't easily remove feedback if they agree they have left it in error . There needs to be a better way of doing it.

As others say customers often leave feedback for the wrong seller which is impossible to get removed. If it is obviously for the wrong seller then the feedback should be removed.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Removal of feedback can only be done via the feedback manager. Any other attempt can cause you account issues.

Often you only get 2 chances to ask for feedback removal via feedback manager. After your 2 chances the case is resolved and cannot be reopened again. As the first 2 chances are often AI responses rather than human it can be difficult to get a human to look at it to make a decision before the case is shut for good.

There are also issues with contacting customers who leave negative feedback. Sometimes you can't send them a message via feedback manager to try and resolve their issue, I am assuming this is because they have opted out of messages.

Customers can't easily remove feedback if they agree they have left it in error . There needs to be a better way of doing it.

As others say customers often leave feedback for the wrong seller which is impossible to get removed. If it is obviously for the wrong seller then the feedback should be removed.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

When false feedback is left by known scammers and Amazon auto remove the comment... leaving the negative rating is ridiculous , you already know it was false let harm your sellers yet again

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

When false feedback is left by known scammers and Amazon auto remove the comment... leaving the negative rating is ridiculous , you already know it was false let harm your sellers yet again

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

less bots and more humans

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

less bots and more humans

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi Julia,

As other's have said.... we Sellers have to put up with a lot of nonsensical, automated answers but THE worst is:

'The zipper on this jumper fell off on first try' 1 Star.... when all the Amazon internal world (inc AI) can see, the order being reviewed is for a Notebook.

Clearly an error but this is deemed the customer's honest opinion and, we as Sellers, should send an unsolicited begging message for the customer to change their review.... highlighting they have done something silly... a low-percentage shot.

How is that good for the customer, seller or Amazon?

Every bad review is felt quite personally by Sellers so closing this one would help.

Thank you,

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi Julia,

As other's have said.... we Sellers have to put up with a lot of nonsensical, automated answers but THE worst is:

'The zipper on this jumper fell off on first try' 1 Star.... when all the Amazon internal world (inc AI) can see, the order being reviewed is for a Notebook.

Clearly an error but this is deemed the customer's honest opinion and, we as Sellers, should send an unsolicited begging message for the customer to change their review.... highlighting they have done something silly... a low-percentage shot.

How is that good for the customer, seller or Amazon?

Every bad review is felt quite personally by Sellers so closing this one would help.

Thank you,


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