Hi, I am having a problem with the one of our ASIN.
I am having some issues with my listing, I have got a contract with the brand to be their sole distributor in the UK & Europe. I checked for the product to see if it was already on the UK site but could not seem to find it. However I conducted a second search by putting the ASIN from the US listing into the UK SC and found the item is there and listable. I sent the product in and made some edits to the listing to improve the UK Version.
During this period, we worked out that the listing was not discoverable via either searching the keys words, the brand or via ASIN search. While working out why the item was not discoverable via search of the item name or by asin in the search bar. I am getting the odd sale via ppc. However the item is very difficult to find. The product is not discoverable or no category bsr or browse node.
I have been on live chat phone calls and emails with amazon over 20 times now getting the same jargon over and over. Saying a mixture of a retail block, due to the listing being dragged across or most commonly that it has no browse node or category which then I will receive a later notification on to say that one has been added and will be updated in 72 hours which never happens and the case gets closed. I have submitted 2 flat files and both get the confirmed but nothing happens. One agent mentioned about a retail block but can't seem to get any more information on it. Happy to provide any more information that is needed. Or if you need the info from previous cases.