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Unintentional product listing violation

I ordered a product supplement which has apparently in recent weeks been listed as a novel food by FSA, I listed the product (there are MANY other sellers selling this product too here). I followed the products restriction page from Amazon as it states clearly the item can be sold if less than 500mg of ingredient, my product has 350mg. I have sent the page with highlighted section to Amazon, but keep getting generic message back that I have violated a policy and my account has a critical threat to AHR. I have spoken to a couple of seller support who have told me different information. I deleted my listing as soon as I got the violation policy and was told I need to as to reinstate it to resolve the issue but each time I have done this I get the same message about product violation and novel food item. I am going round in circles and the last support person told me dont worry this threat will automatically remove after 180 days. Is this correct? I am so worried my account will be closed down for this, I am a new seller with on successful supplement product so far. TIA

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Tags:Account Health
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Unintentional product listing violation

I ordered a product supplement which has apparently in recent weeks been listed as a novel food by FSA, I listed the product (there are MANY other sellers selling this product too here). I followed the products restriction page from Amazon as it states clearly the item can be sold if less than 500mg of ingredient, my product has 350mg. I have sent the page with highlighted section to Amazon, but keep getting generic message back that I have violated a policy and my account has a critical threat to AHR. I have spoken to a couple of seller support who have told me different information. I deleted my listing as soon as I got the violation policy and was told I need to as to reinstate it to resolve the issue but each time I have done this I get the same message about product violation and novel food item. I am going round in circles and the last support person told me dont worry this threat will automatically remove after 180 days. Is this correct? I am so worried my account will be closed down for this, I am a new seller with on successful supplement product so far. TIA

Tags:Account Health
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Unintentional product listing violation

I ordered a product supplement which has apparently in recent weeks been listed as a novel food by FSA, I listed the product (there are MANY other sellers selling this product too here). I followed the products restriction page from Amazon as it states clearly the item can be sold if less than 500mg of ingredient, my product has 350mg. I have sent the page with highlighted section to Amazon, but keep getting generic message back that I have violated a policy and my account has a critical threat to AHR. I have spoken to a couple of seller support who have told me different information. I deleted my listing as soon as I got the violation policy and was told I need to as to reinstate it to resolve the issue but each time I have done this I get the same message about product violation and novel food item. I am going round in circles and the last support person told me dont worry this threat will automatically remove after 180 days. Is this correct? I am so worried my account will be closed down for this, I am a new seller with on successful supplement product so far. TIA

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Unintentional product listing violation

I ordered a product supplement which has apparently in recent weeks been listed as a novel food by FSA, I listed the product (there are MANY other sellers selling this product too here). I followed the products restriction page from Amazon as it states clearly the item can be sold if less than 500mg of ingredient, my product has 350mg. I have sent the page with highlighted section to Amazon, but keep getting generic message back that I have violated a policy and my account has a critical threat to AHR. I have spoken to a couple of seller support who have told me different information. I deleted my listing as soon as I got the violation policy and was told I need to as to reinstate it to resolve the issue but each time I have done this I get the same message about product violation and novel food item. I am going round in circles and the last support person told me dont worry this threat will automatically remove after 180 days. Is this correct? I am so worried my account will be closed down for this, I am a new seller with on successful supplement product so far. TIA

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Unintentional product listing violation

by Seller_wkzvaUESP4NbK

I ordered a product supplement which has apparently in recent weeks been listed as a novel food by FSA, I listed the product (there are MANY other sellers selling this product too here). I followed the products restriction page from Amazon as it states clearly the item can be sold if less than 500mg of ingredient, my product has 350mg. I have sent the page with highlighted section to Amazon, but keep getting generic message back that I have violated a policy and my account has a critical threat to AHR. I have spoken to a couple of seller support who have told me different information. I deleted my listing as soon as I got the violation policy and was told I need to as to reinstate it to resolve the issue but each time I have done this I get the same message about product violation and novel food item. I am going round in circles and the last support person told me dont worry this threat will automatically remove after 180 days. Is this correct? I am so worried my account will be closed down for this, I am a new seller with on successful supplement product so far. TIA

Tags:Account Health
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