Read onlyDoes anyone know how to file a formal complaint against Amazon seller central support. The customer services in the phillipines is wholly more and inadequate. Every time I call they tell me that they are frontline first response and pass on the complaint for a call back. I want to know how to make an effective complaint to change this poor quality service.
Write to where the Executive Seller Team will read your complaint. Be positive but don’t expect anything to happen unless >95% of sellers do likewise.
Amazon now consider themselves to Big to be wrong, I would not waste my time
You’d have more chance of Herding Cats
Honestly i love amz seller support. from the 100 times when i had to contact with them only one caseworker looked like he doesnt like his job, so i closed the chatbox and started a new one. BUT seller-performance team is a useless joke team if they are even exist. (It
s not just about bad feedback removal request) They use my time and there is no contact number, only a useless email address.
We now have a direct phone number to Amazons appointed legal representative. Still this doesn’t get simple issues resolved even with the threat of and with legal action. In previous legal action against Amazon about two years ago their own legal team admitted the support was poor. Two years later its still the same if not worse.
If you contact manager director , your message will be passed back to SS and will take the same useless rout. I been thought this experience several time and nothing been solved.
Don’t waste your time, Amazon consider themselves above everyone, I did try to lodge a complaint once by emailing the director, a case was opened…then the case id mysteriously disappeared, I emailed again to question why my case had disappeared…that also vanished from the case log.
I would have to agree with the “don’t bother” camp on this one.
Been there, done that, nothing happened - not even a reply.
As someone said earlier, it is a case of “we are Amazon and we’re always right”.I’ve always had the feeling it’s “if you don’t like what we tell you to do, go sell somewhere else”.